I love WP, but it seems like overkill for what I was wanting to accomplish. I was glad to find Piwigo, which lays out everything in a gallery/portfolio format. I'm just using Simple Grey along with a couple of Google Web fonts (Cabin for main text, I forgot the name of the heading text). I'll also be making additions as I go along, but this is a start. You can see my website here.
VERY nice work, Rick! I went to the Japanese garden in Portland back in '91 or so, loved it. I really need to visit it with some good equipment. I wish I had landscape like that to prowl around in, Southern New Mexico is rather different and you make do with what you have.
A friend is a fan of WordPress, but it doesn't do anything for me for managing lots of photos.
Last edited by WayneWestPhotography (2013-04-25 20:26:42)
Would love to hear if you exported from Wordpress somehow. I have a photoblog with many galleries in Wordpress and am not sure how to go about importing them into Piwigo. It doesn't seem like there is an obvious export-->import process.
Did you keep your galleries organized on your computer?
What would you want to keep from Wp: ratings, comments... ?
I keep my photos in iPhoto but only upload the "best" ones to the photoblog for family to see. It wouldn't be difficult to re-upload them for Piwigo, but it would be time-consuming to manually choose them from iPhoto again. Not a major problem--just curious if it's possible to automate.
You can go to the wp-content/upload folder of Wordpress... and filter to get back only name.jpeg files...
That might be an interesting futur plugin for Piwigo ^^
EOBeav wrote:
You can see my website here.
Hello there
Are you Rick Scheibner? If yes - your photos are absolutely amazing :)
if not - interesting choice ;)