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kyp_ wrote:
so I was wondering how other piwigo users do the following:
I'm always generating multiple size images after uploading new pictures, in order to fasten things up for visitors. Otherwise it would only be done when a visitor, well...visits it, which could be quite slow with lots of new images if I understood it right.
My trouble now is:
my site hoster is complaining when I do it ( with a basic package).
they are complaining that the i.php is abusing cpu%
And since this batch process takes a few hours with 1000 or more pictures it will get noticed =)
Apprearently there is no willingness to limit the i.php process to a set amount of %, soo how do you guys handle it ? (well besides the obvious and not doing the image generating in the first place :P )
YES I had to move to new hardware because of high CPU usage.
best Regards
thank you. I am using XL as a default size. But after I removed other sizes, I was getting into trouble with iPhone and iPad.
I never was able to get back i.php so I created a.php a rename of the same file and also changed the unique line of code which was referring to i.php: that worked well
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