Hi everyone. I really enjoy how well designed and polished Piwigo is and how easy it is to administer.
Is there any plan in your roadmap to allow synchronization to Android (or other) device galleries?
I am using Piwigo in part to avoid the behemoth of Google+/Picasa/etc. and it would be very nice to have all photos on the phone uploaded automatically to my Piwigo gallery.
I see from the forums that some "Share" menu integration is planned and possibly Mobile theme uploads, which are both nice. (I'm not sure why you couldn't already allow ordinary Javascript "browser uploader" with the mobile theme.) But obviously gallery synch is a much more ambitious idea.
I have tried RegalAndroid but it crashes a lot and doesn't seem to work very well with my Piwigo gallery (loads first photo and crashes when trying to navigate) -- it also doesn't have any synchronization options, or even a way to do mass uploads? I see the regular Piwigo Android app hasn't been updated in 3 years, and I'm not aware of any other alternatives.
Anyway, a mobile device gallery synch feature would be very helpful to the great number of Android users as well as to the smaller number of us who are purposely avoiding Google+.
Thank you for your consideration.
Piwigo version: 2.6.2
PHP version: 5.3.28
MySQL version: 5.0.95
No response?
Well, I got RegalAndroid working a bit better for me, but it's still... quirky. New albums don't show up until you Force Stop it (not merely clearing its cache).
The good news is that I see that I CAN do a multiple upload via Gallery-to-RegalAndroid. The bad news is that there's no way to prevent duplicates. So I guess it's up to me to keep track of which photos have been uploaded and which have not yet been uploaded. That kind of stinks. :(
(I also had to figure out how to import my self-signed SSL cert. The only way that worked was saving it from the PC browser, uploading it to my server, and then browsing to it from the phone. And Android won't store the darned thing unless you have a PIN set.)
Anyway, my feature request stands -- please consider Android Gallery synch and camera autoupload. Thank you.
Oh yes. "share to Piwigo" and camera autoupload into a preselected album would be a huge improvement in using Piwigo as a picture cloud service. I would even pay for such an app.
Album sync would be great, too, but the browser version with mobile theme does it's job quite well until that happens.
I'm part of the wave of people coming from Gallery 3 to Piwigo.
1. Piwigo looks great so far! I really like the virtual albums feature.
2. More on topic, we had the ability to upload images from Android devices to Gallery 3 with Xotof (https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta … &hl=en). It looks like some people have already requested such functionality for Piwigo, but it seems like a low priority item right now. I was just wondering if anyone knows if this android app has any chance of being resurrected? (https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta … &hl=en). This missing phone/gallery interactivity is pretty much the only thing I'm missing to make a smooth transition from Gallery 3 to Piwigo, so I just wanted to throw this out there.
Hi :-)
Have you test https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta … org.piwigo
Yep. I installed it on my phone (Nexus 5) and it seems to throw some errors early on, but it does get to the screen where you can add configuration info. It seems to connect ok, but nothing happens with the "add image." I'll play with it some more this weekend or next week, but a quick look suggests to me that it's not currently functional with Piwigo 2.6.x.
I've just started with piwigo and found this post.
Using G3 before, too, I have to say piwigo ist great!
But, as mentioned above, the interaction between Android Phone and piwigo is missing the "share with piwigo" function from the gallery.
It would be great if this could be done!
I agree. I had been a Gallery2/3 user for a long time. I came across Piwigo over a year ago. I then looked at the Android app and it wasn't working. I then started to use Photostation on my Synology NAS which automatically uploads pictures from my phone to a photo album. I've been hoping there would have been more progress on the Android app. It hasn't been updated since 2011 where as the IOS version was updated in June of 2015. PLEASE work on updating the Android version!