I have a Piwigo installation available only for students of a given school.
So, there is one username (and password) for all allowed users, what they have got in the school.
The parents would like to choose the photos to order. So, they first make a long list of favorit photos and after a short list to order.
It would be nice if a mather could make a collection of photos (a basket? or Favorits?) and having seen all the photos she could see her selection and choose from it.
How may a loged in visitor create a list of her favorits and visualise it in a separate list?
Piwigo 2.6.3
Système d'exploitation: Linux
PHP: 5.3.27 (Montrer les informations) [2014-06-12 13:47:04]
MySQL: 5.1.56-log [2014-06-12 13:45:38]
Bibliothèque graphique: External ImageMagick 6.6.0-4
Thanks Mistic for your quick reply.
I have installed the plugin and I am testing it.
My question: as every visitors use the SAME username, will all loged in user see ALL collections?
So, imagine that there are users:
A, B, C and D.
All of them log in with the same username (let's call it School).
When loged in they all create there own lists called
list-A, list-B, list-C and list-D.
Will A see the lists of B, C, and D? (and so on...)
It would be, of course, important, that the list of A is seen ONLY by visitor A (however, all visitors have the same username!)
How does this plugin work? How may the lists be private?
Ok I didn't understood this part of your need (one user)
So there is no way to achieve what you want,
either create one account for each user, or trust them to not mess up collections of other users
Oké. I understand.
Thanks, Mistic!