Hi community,
While installing Piwigo, I decided to write down each and every step in setting up and configuring Piwigo.
Including installing and configuring plugins. And enabling video/audio playback with thumbnails.
Piwigo version: 2.6.3
Piwigo Installation guide URL: http://www.benhup.com/?mf=freebsd&s … stallation
Best regards,
Ben Hup
Hi :-)
Thanks :-)
How did I miss this topic?!? Excellent guide, thank you very much benhup!
I don't exactly agree with what you name a "security hole" but I understand why you're not comfortable with direct access by URL. This is why we have added a random string in filenames added in "upload" directory.
You can also add:
// 0-'auto', 1-'derivative' 2-'script' $conf['derivative_url_style'] = 2;
And a "deny from all" in _data/i
The "problem" for now, is that i.php (which delivers the derivative) doesn't check the permissions (to avoid performance issues). Maybe we should offer it has an option.
Realy good guide, thank you for sharing. Link should be in Piwigo documentation pages:-)
plg, "security hole" is because new users can't easy configure Piwigo in security mode. For do it we should write our configuration script with LocalFiles Editor plugin. May be "add an index.html files at each level" is a realy good idea ([Forum, post 154862 by plg in topic 24607] Some folders without protection?)?
Last edited by JanisV (2014-10-10 17:10:06)