I have last version of Piwigo, but I have a problem with encoding IPTC.
In attachment 2 files:
goog_iptc.jpg have data in UTF-8
bed_iptc.jpg have data in ASCII win1251
goog_iptc.jpg is showed normally in Piwigo, but bed_iptc.jpg is showed uncorrect
tools/metadata.php return:
for bed_iptc.jpg - http://media.aronov.su/galleries/metadata_bed.php
for good_iptc.jpg - http://media.aronov.su/galleries/metadata_good.php
i'm not a programmer but we can see that -without talking about encoding of character- the number of iptc field is not the same! And I think that utf8 is probably a better choice than ASCII in all cases
I agree with you, but I have a lot of files with different encoding....
I think that number of the fields doesn't mater.
But, how I could work with ASCII and UTF8??