#1 2015-11-18 20:47:15

Peter de Bruin

simple Upload capabilities for friends to share foto's

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        Piwigo 2.7.4

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        545 foto's
        21 albums waarvan 0 fysieken 21 virtueel (482 associaties)
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        3 gebruikers
        1 groep
        12 reacties
        41 tarieven

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Hello to all with a request for an help hand.

For your information I use only one fotoalbum with for each year like 2012 to 2015, subalbums describing events which happened in that year. As an example 2015 my visit to Indonesia, an wedding and so on, being subalbums with the fotos of that happening.

Now I would like to give other familie members access to upload their foto's into subalbums which they describe ( and make ) in the resp. year of the event - shared to all of us. However I do not want them to get confused with other panels. So a simple log-in with password and the upload capability. I find Piwigo tough to comprihent but great to use.. !

I have tried the Community plugin. Have created an user being part of the group friends with the User Tools. However when I log-in as that user I only get the screen in which I am able to change e-mail and log-in of that person. So I am looking for Upload and create only.. Thank you in andvance for any help in my efforts to get this done. Regards, Peter de Bruin.



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