
#1 2016-03-30 15:12:00


Installation succeeded

Hello and Bonjour,

I am really impressed of this gallery and happy having succeeded - after 18 month of trials.

It is my first installation of a gallery, and I had chosen it 18 month ago - and did not give up, it was right to stick to it.
Continue this way you have started with!

2 remarks which shall encourage you to improve your internet presence and not be meant a simple criticism:

I had several trials (not permanently tried for 18 months) to install Piwigo - it never worked.
I have never posted a question, I tried first to find answers in your blog - none of the problems of other people did really help me.  And then (it seems that it changed since my last visit in June 2015), the endless Forum posts ... this does not really help to find (maybe) the right question and its answer. I know that you are doing this development gratuitously, and a knowledge database on "side-aspect" of administration, mysql etc. is surely not in your focus. But maybe something can be done?

Also, I am not nerd, specialist in server administration, mysql, html, ... and some of your responses to people like me seems to be agressive and misplaced (not all of you are meant, but the person I speak to knows it). For those who try to take their destiny into their own hands, or have just started to leave the proprietary world of MS and Google, a little bit more of patience is requested. We (I suppose you also, but surely myself and many other, even publicly in journals and journalists...) are criticizing this proprietary world and ask for more involvement of everybody - so lets simply help each other.

Maybe more people will then change to Piwigo? I hope so.

And to show that I not just criticize, here is my experience with the installation:
- When you have a blanc screen during the installation, especially after the first first config screen (language, installation directory):
     - Check the diskspace on your /var directory. Maybe it is full? see into the error.log of Apache /var/log/Apache2/error.log
-  When you cannot log into your database after having entered your data into the final configuration screen:
      - It is surely a mysql- problem: do you have defined a user and a database in mysql? I have now used "phpmyadmin" and it gave me good understanding of how mysql works. Very probably your user has not the correct rights and therefore you "cannot connect to the database".

I have tried to make a quite complete documentation on the first problem, if you like to have it, let me know.
The mysql issue, I have unfortunately not documented, in addition to this, I have done on the command line (server is not at the same place as me).

Piwigo version 2.8
Operating system: Linux Debian 8.3 / Jessy
PHP: 5.6.17-0+deb8u1 (Show info) [2016-03-30 14:28:20]
MySQL: 5.5.47-0+deb8u1 [2016-03-30 14:28:20]
Graphics Library: External ImageMagick 6.8.9-9

Piwigo URL: http://    it is not public and not yet filled.


#2 2016-03-31 07:58:32

Piwigo Team

Re: Installation succeeded

thanks alot for your detailed feedback
That's a first one!

Indeed we cannot handle all computer issues that can happen from client side to server side when installing Piwigo, but you've made something yes you can definitively make it public -you don't need our approval- then we will together what we can do about it

To get a better help : Politeness like Hello-A link-Your past actions precisely described
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who I am and what I do :
My gallery : an illustration of how to integrate Piwigo in your website



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