I cannot explain it better than : Use the plugin Local File Editor to modify it. (Tab : css).
Thanks for all your help! I just found the plugin. It was driving me crazy because I was searching for it but I already had it installed but not activated. I have been able to delete the shadow from the picture but not from the album thumbnail.
Katryne wrote:
I cannot explain it better than : Use the plugin Local File Editor to modify it. (Tab : css).
For the album thumbnail, try to add :
.card {box-shadow:none;}
Lots of thanks! It worked perfectly! Sorry for asking so many questions. I tried to add a logo to my Piwigo site but there's no way that it works. I uploaded my logo here but it seems that Piwigo doesn't find it.
When I load my website the place where the logo is supposed to appear looks like this:
Does someone have the same problem? How is it possible to solve it?
I think your logo could be here : https://marcostrain.com/photos/upload/logo.png even if it looks rather huge.
Katryne wrote:
I think your logo could be here : https://marcostrain.com/photos/upload/logo.png even if it looks rather huge.
Yep! It worked. I see you are a total expert on Piwigo (or I'm a good-for-nothing). Again, thanks for all your help! I don't want to abuse of your knowledges but one last doubt I have is regarding the SEO of my Piwigo site. I don't know how to make it appear on Google and I also want that my photos show on Google Images. Is that possible?
I'm having a problem with Bootstrap Darkroom and I've tried everything I can find to fix this:
All the navigation icons render as little boxes, not the correct icon images. This happens no matter what color theme I select. Love the theme, but can't use it until I figure this out. I'm using the v 12.2.
Any thoughts on what I need to do to fix this? Would sure appreciate the help. Thanks. JS
Hello and Hi
I've installed the Bootstrap Darkroom theme, but the navigation icons (all the icons) display only as little boxes. I've tried looking for the issue, but I can't find what's wrong. I really do want to use the theme--it's the best for my site. Any ideas of how I can fix this? I have searched the forum with no luck.
Just to make sure I've described the issue: The navigation icons only appear as place-holders (little squares), although the links DO work when they are clicked. I REALLY like this theme and am eager to get it working. Any thoughts on what I can do? I've tried everything I know.
Piwigo 12.2.0 Check for upgrade
Operating system: WINNT
PHP: 7.4.27 (Show info) [2022-02-03 21:01:06]
MySQL: 5.5.5-10.3.32-MariaDB [2022-02-03 13:01:06]
Graphics Library: GD bundled (2.1.0 compatible)
Cache size N/A never calculated Refresh
Activated plugin list2
LocalFiles Editor
RV Thumb Scroller
Does Bootstrap Darkroom support PHP 8.0+ ?
It display lots of messages:
Work fine with PHP 7.4
Piwigo 12.2.0 Dernière version ?
Système d'exploitation: Linux
PHP: 8.0.15 (Montrer les informations) [2022-02-12 08:17:13]
MySQL: 5.5.5-10.2.39-MariaDB-1:10.2.39+maria~bionic [2022-02-12 09:17:13]
Bibliothèque graphique: ImageMagick 6.9.7-4
Taille du cache 29.8 Mo
I have the same problem with Bootstrap Darkroom if i change to php 8.0 and i did all the updates of the theme
With php 7.4 works ok
Last edited by BestTools (2022-05-02 13:36:40)
ClickClack wrote:
Does Bootstrap Darkroom support PHP 8.0+ ?
Piwigo 12.2.0 doesn't, so it is not about this specific theme, I daresay.
Thanks for the last update, it fixed an issue i never got around to report... :)
Hello, I am using piwigo 12.3.0 (PHP 7.4.6, MySQL: 5.5.5-10.4.17-MariaDB) and the latest bootstrap theme 2.5.8.
I have seen the follwing issue:
Normally when using this theme and I "open" an an album and click on a picture, the picture is shown in full-screen mode and I can wipe left and right.
In case the album has more than 999 picture, the click on a picture does not open the picture in full screen. I do not have also the icon for full screen view.
Any hint is welcome.
My first idea was the plugin GThumbs+, but i do get the same issue with an disabled GThumbs+ plugin.
Many thanks.
Please see also: [Github] piwigo-bootstrap-darkroom issue #332
I noticed that in the category page the list of images is shortly showing big images
and then converts to tiny previews:
Any idea on how to enforce the view with the big images?
TheDoc wrote:
I noticed that in the category page the list of images is shortly showing big images
Can you give me some more information about when this happens, and what the original size of the images are ?
I fixed an issue recently and this seems to be linked but I can't reproduce the problem you have. I have tried locally and also visiting your Piwigo from my mobile.
Any information you can give me to try and fix this issue would be greatly appreciated