Hi everybody!
I have a Centos 7 server. I want to add to piwigo some pictures that I have on another directory (a disk mounted in an point outside of the DocumentRoot of Apache). I tried to create symlinks to this directory in the ./galleries directory in piwigo, but it can't see the links. If I try to go to serveraddress/piwigo/galleries/symlinkfolder I get 403 access denied error.
My problem is that the web server is on a disk with not a lot of storage and the pictures are on another raid system of drives mounted in /mnt directory. Is there a way to import pictures in piwigo from an outside location without copying them physically in the piwigo directory?
Thank you for the support!
Piwigo version: 2.9.4
PHP version: 5.6
MySQL version: 15
how did you import the photos you already had in piwigo ? When I see your question, I imagine you import them using the legacy way with synchronize. But as far as I remember I think the script does not follow the symlink (I need to double check).
I read the code and as I said before the process to synchronize directories and database exclude symlink (or at least only include real files and directories) :
[Github] Piwigo file admin/site_reader_local.php@L91
[Github] Piwigo file admin/site_reader_local.php@L112
Yes, I supposed it worked that way. Is there a way to modify the script so that it works with the symlinks too?
Thank you for support!
I use symlinks in my galleries folder:
20:45:48 /usr/local/piwigo/galleries:$ ls -la total 12 drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 Dec 28 2014 . drwxr-xr-x 13 www-data www-data 4096 Feb 16 2017 .. lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 26 Dec 28 2014 events -> /mnt/media/Pictures/Events -rwxr-xr-x 1 www-data www-data 1765 Apr 24 2017 index.php lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 24 Dec 28 2014 misc -> /mnt/media/Pictures/Misc lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 26 Dec 28 2014 people -> /mnt/media/Pictures/People lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 26 Dec 28 2014 places -> /mnt/media/Pictures/Places
Make sure you have
Options FollowSymLinks
in your Apache config for your Piwigo folder. For example:
<Directory "/usr/local/piwigo/"> Options FollowSymLinks Options +MultiViews -ExecCGI -Includes -Indexes IndexIgnore * AllowOverride Limit Options FileInfo Require all granted ...
Hi windracer,
I have installed piwigo using docker-compose, where can I find this Apache config?
Kind Regards,
I'm not familiar with Docker, but if it's just a Linux VM/container of some sort, the Apache stuff should be in the same place as usual: /etc/apache2.
I created a piwigo.conf under /etc/apache2/conf-available (symlinked to conf-enabled) that contains the code I'm referring to above.
I was having same problem with Piwigo container and symlinks
As explained here : [Github] pigallery2 issue #39
A container can not access a path outside container
But it can if the volume is mapped before deploying container
Then the symlinks need to be to this volume that was previously mapped in the container (see advanced container settings => Volume mapping if you use Portainer, like me with OMV).
For example :
https://www.networkshinobi.com/piwigo-o … ediavault/
Mount those volumes
Host path Container path
/srv/dev-disk-by-label-1.42.6-4589/appdata/piwigo /config
/srv/dev-disk-by-label-1.42.6-4589/photo /pictures
Where /appdata is a sambashare, so you can access Piwigo config under /appdata/piwigo
Then ssh to linux server (like OMV) in order to create Symlinks :
cd /srv/dev-disk-by-label-1.42.6-7393/appdata/piwigo/www/gallery/galleries
ln -s /pictures/2018 2018
ln -s /pictures/2019 2019
'2018' and '2019' folders in '/srv/dev-disk-by-label-1.42.6-4589/photo' contain pictures
When you deploy again Piwigo container, pictures are automaticaly synchronized.
As the Piwigo version I am using is deployed with Nginx, I have added this line under \appdata\piwigo\nginx\nginx.conf and \appdata\piwigo\nginx\site-confs\default in order to enable symlinks, but now I am not sure this is required after doing all of the above :
disable_symlinks off;
Context to use disable_symlinks: http, server, location
Kind regards
Last edited by Matthew79180 (2020-01-01 18:50:28)
i have NAS Qnap, and Piwigo install and work.
i need syncronize my Picts in local folder.
But Symlink no work. No want Ftp and other.
I want just add folder local...
Tank you lot