I have a main site (mybb forum) where piwigo gallery is linked. What I need to do is disable piwigo gallery registration UI and instead fetch data from my main site and insert that to piwigo_users.
Basically if a user registers on my forum site, they are also automatically registered on the gallery site. I've wrote a custom plugin on the forum site where I can fetch user_registration data and throw them to a custom db_table. Now i need to fetch this data and run piwigo registration manually.
the data ofc is unhashed due dif. hashing methods but is already sanitized by the forum not to worry injections
Piwigo version: current version
Basic Piwigo doesn't have registration.
Maybe you can have cron run a perl script which imports the users.
Last edited by executive (2018-11-20 03:01:23)
you can write Piwigo plugins too to manage login from Piwigo and auto login from a cookie from your forum/other CMS
Piwigo have external authentication, it's a future of it's core. First you must determine the password hash encoding function of the external software.
Then you need to install piwigo community & admin plugin. community give some errors when external software tables has identical column names with piwigo users table. They are some 5 years old unfixed bugs https://piwigo.org/forum/viewtopic.php? … 26#p141626 . I have got this errors with both PhpBB and Wordpress.
Configuration example http://piwigo.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p … 12#p163412
how do i use another database for the usertable lookup? It seems that the config-edit only uses on database.
Unfortunately I am getting invalid password.... how do i edit the login password hasing function?
The simplest solution is to use the api to add a user to piwigo when a user is registered in the forum.
Where do i find the api of piwigo registration?? The functions_user.inc.php seems to have the registration function... is it possible to use this and modify the parameter a bit??
justice41 wrote:
Where do i find the api of piwigo registration?? The functions_user.inc.php seems to have the registration function... is it possible to use this and modify the parameter a bit??
You can access (and test it) through your installation (https://your.domain/piwigo/ws/tools/ws.htm).
You can see it on the demo website : http://piwigo.org/demo/tools/ws.htm
The API method is pwg.users.add
There's some examples of usage on the wiki : https://piwigo.org/doc/doku.php?id=dev:webapi:start