I've been playing with sort order on some new albums after migrating my old Gallery 2 albums. No issues with migration thanks to the help here, but sort order does not appear to be working.
If I open a new physical album Properties Page with uploaded photos (after synchronization), and click on Photos Sort Order, if I select any of the automatic sort order options (File Name A->Z, or File Name Z->A, or Date Created Old->New, etc.) nothing changes in the sort order on that page.
The sort button on the actual album is working correctly (with all of the same automatic sort order options) but I am trying to set a manual sort order and none of the orders are working. I can manually (one photo at a time) re-sort them, and save that change and it works. But with a large number of photos, it would be easier to apply a sort order in the Photo Sort Order piece of the Album Properties page, and then manually manipulate as needed.
Any ideas why this isn't working? Thanks!
Piwigo 2.9.4
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 7.2.13 (Show info) [2019-04-06 09:41:52]
MySQL: 5.7.25-log [2019-04-06 09:41:52]
Graphics Library: ImageMagick 6.7.7-10
I'm having the same issue with one of my albums, the largest one, containing around 1950 pictures.
Would love to find a solution for this.
I am having the same issue here.
Piwigo 2.10.1
PHP version 7.2.20
Would be very happy with a solution.
Manual sort is virtually impossible as the pictures do not show in the right order.
Best wishes,
Reinier de Man
Same problem here: I have a large album which
- one, shows a different sort order in the gallery than it does on the admin 'sort photos' tab
- two, won't save any automatic sort settings I try (page just refreshes after hitting save to show same sort order and radio button moves back to 'use default sort order', which it isn't actually sorting by anyway)
- three, won't save manual order changes (again, just refreshes after hitting save)
No idea what to do. It's worked as expected in the past, but I haven't tried to use this feature in quite a while, so I couldn't tell you when/what version the change happened.
I am having the same problem.
It is now over two years since this issue was posted but no member of the team seems to have responded.
It seems that my problem was not caused by Piwigo not sorting at all but to some other peculiarities.
I try to give all my images a file name indicating the year taken, camera used and original image number,
such as 2010_CIX_1493
The first problem was that Piwigo always replaced one or both of the underscore characters with a space.
I tried using spaces instead of underscores but found it difficult to be sure that I had not accidentally inserted two spaces, so I changed to normal hyphens which work OK.
But then I found that setting the default sort order to "File name A-Z" resulted in a sort order of numbers before uppercase letters before lowercase letters, so that both A and Z come before a (or any other lowercase letter). Also I found that if I tried to change the file name in Piwigo by changing the Title this had no effect on the sort order (by file name).
I eventually worked out that when an image is uploaded to Piwigo, the Title (as in IPTC data and Windows Properties) is just ignored, the file name is copied to the Piwigo property field Title and the image is also assigned a unique Photo Number (e.g. #5726). Only the new Title can be changed in the image properties and any change is NOT reflected back into the File Name and the image is NOT given a new Photo Number.
This new knowledge led me to try using "Photo Title A to Z" as the default sort order and I found that this sorts to a sensible order with lowercase a coming after uppercase A but before uppercase B.
So Piwigo sorts File Names to a different order from Photo Titles even though both fields are usually identical! But the important learning was to use Photo Titles for the default sort order.
The final problem was that I used what I thought was the latest and most accurate helpfile for creating my local files editor configuration and lost all trace of the author/creator data in my images. I eventually found a 4-year old thread in this forum "use_iptc_mapping for filtering and batch processing permissions" which points out an error in the metadata section of the helpfile.