as "promised" in https://piwigo.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=28360 I'm currently trying to add support for pannellum.js to view google panoramas. During this I have run into the following problem:
1) I include pannellum.js & my own "starter" js via picture_content.tpl
This seems to work (see the source of http://www.feuster.com/piwigo/picture?/ … 49-bologna and the loaded "_data/combined/xxxxxx.js" in the end)
2) in the "_data/combined/xxxxxx.js" I then have
/*BEGIN ./plugins/piwigo-panorama/template/piwigopanorama.js */ jQuery(document).ready(function(){alert("Hello! I am an alert box!!");if(typeof panorama_options==='undefined'){return;} alert("Trying to load panorama with pannellum");pannellum.viewer('panorama',panorama_options);});
but the alert doesn't get executed. Any hint what I'm doing wrong here? Any way to debug this further?
Piwigo URL: http://bilder.feuster.com
Piwigo 2.10.2 Check for upgrade
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 7.3.24 (Show info) [2020-11-08 21:17:40]
MySQL: 5.5.60-0+deb7u1-log [2020-11-08 21:17:40]
Graphics Library: External ImageMagick 6.9.10-23
I imagine you do not post the whole content of _data/combined/xxx.js ! If there's another return somewhere, you're cannot be reached.
Actually, there are a lot of js-files that get included...
According to the documentation on $(document).ready all available handlers run as long as no error is thrown by any of them. And they are executed in order of appearance (https://stackoverflow.com/a/5263418). So here is a bit more code from the generated "_data/combined/xxxxxx.js":
/*BEGIN ./plugins/piwigo-panorama/template/piwigopanorama.js */ $(document).ready(function(){alert("Hello! I am an alert box!!");if(typeof panorama_options==='undefined'){return;} alert("Trying to load panorama with pannellum");pannellum.viewer('panorama',panorama_options);}); /*BEGIN local/js/my.imagemap.js */ $(document).ready(function(){$('#theMainImage').dynamicImageMap();});
What happens is that the one from my.imagemap.js gets executed but the one from piwigopanorama.js doesn't (at least there are no alerts popping up)...
Did you open the javascript console ?
You're right all $(function() {}) are executed but none of them are executed if one of them through an exception.
Yes, I now tried in the console and came up with a cause: the script as included by combine_script seems to be invalid js. See also https://piwigo.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=30730. I'll wait for the resolution there and hopefully the issue here is resolved by this as well.
I have looked through the code and have found that the actual work is done inside of
JShrink_Minifier, breakdownScript()
Unfortunately, I have no idea what to do from here. There are options based to the minifier but they don't seem to be used during the processing in breakdownScript().^
Is there any way I can influence the behavior or dig further? The only way to fix this seems to be to include the pannellum.js myself and skip the combine_script part for it?
Any ideas welcome!
BTW: Last release of JShrink is v1.3.3. Piwigo seems to use 0.5.1? Maybe an upgrade might help?
Last edited by TheDoc (2020-11-10 21:47:26)