I'm currently running an ubuntu 18.04 homeserver with piwigo on it. The system loads the pictures very slowly and often crashes when I change the default gallery size from 10 pictures to 50. I've probably not configured it well yet, and I can't find any information on how and where to improve this situation. Ideally I want to have thumbnails pre-generated, but doing so from the batch manager overheats the system and crashes it as well (there's 8000 pictures on there, giving a command to resize them all in 5 different formats crashes the system)
What are the parameters I should play with, and where do I find them? What helped to improve the performance of your photo gallery?
Thanks for the advice!
Last edited by Eis-T (2022-12-07 17:10:35)
Whatever "crashes the system" may exactly mean, my first bet would be it doesn't have enough free RAM available.
I'd start with php.ini - look at values like max_execution_time and memory_limit to prevent timeouts.
Thanks! editing php.ini helped a lot! apparently it was set to allot only 128M... no wonder it ran so poorly! I keep learning more and more about self-hosting :)
Things are going better now I've switched to Imagemagick to render. Two things:
- I've seen in multiple topics here that the rendering/resizing can be done on the client-side. But I haven't found out where to configure that. I assume there's a line of code I need to paste in the LocalFiles Editor.
- Imagemagick is processing all pictures in a folder at the same time instead of one-by-one, causing CPU and memory problems. is there a way to make it work picture by picture?
On GNU/linux like system, what about nicing the imagemagick process ?
man nice
If it's one single process, this could be done once on the run from top.
Otherwise, I imagine nice could be added to the execute command within piwigo. This may need code editing...
I like the idea, not sure how to do this though!
Also I learned that my hardware should be capable of hosting this without overheating. I also run a music server (slimserver) and it instantly loads hundreds of album covers without any problems. There's something very wrong with my configuration of piwigo.