When I synchronize videos, the poster is correctly created in the pwg_representative subfolder.
Then I go to tools -> Synchronize but it doesn`t do anything.
The result is that there`s no correspondent poster for the videos, even though I can play when I double click them.
Also, the file name it`s standard.
What am I missing?
Piwigo URL: https://piwigo.nosotros.ong.br/index.php?/category/9
Piwigo 13.5.0 Checar por atualização
Instalado em 2 fevereiro 2022, 1 ano 2 semanas 2 dias atrás
Sistema operacional: Linux
PHP: 8.0.27 (Mostrar info) [2023-02-18 16:36:12]
MySQL: 8.0.32 [2023-02-18 19:36:12]
Biblioteca gráfica: External ImageMagick 7.1.0-50
Tamaho do cache 176.83 Mo calculado 3 meses atrás Substituir
Lista de plugins ativados 8
Admin Tools
Grum Plugins Classes.3
Language Switch
LocalFiles Editor
Read Metadata
go to tools -> Synchronize first then go to plugin jsvideo settings and syncronize
also you need Mediainfo and ffmpeg modules on your linux
Last edited by BigIsland270972 (2023-02-19 01:17:57)
I met all these requirements and have also successfully synchronized, with no errors. The evidence is that the folder pwg_representative is created and the posters are in there.
That's not the point.
The point is the gallery, that shows a grey thumbnail with an exclamation mark. But if I double click on it, the player shows up correctly, with a still image, and it plays the video.
Please go to this page to see what I mean: https://piwigo.nosotros.ong.br/index.php?/category/9
Try clear the Cache. Tools - maintenence
Or better: delete
Best regards
I did it, still no good, nothing changed.
Ok. i don't know whats causing this, sorry. You could try remove the video file - -syncronize and add the video again - syncronize . BUT thats just a guess!
It might be a codec problem also. try reencode the mp4
i think i might know the problem. Try delete /_data/i/ --the folder contains generated thumbnails and emty your browser website cache after that.
No success.
Just to describe what I did.
1) While the container was running, I logged into the container: docker exec -it piwigo bash
2) Then I changed directory to: /app/www/public/_data
3) Then I removed the i folder: rm -r i
4) Then I synchronized in videojs;
5) Then I synchronized in Tools -> Synchronize
As for the codec, I think it isn't the case, since I can play the video, once I double click the reel thumbnail and go to the video page, do you agree?
sorry for this trivial question .. are the rights on files and directories corrects?
Hereunder is the script i run after upload done via rsync
cd /var/www/html/photos/piwigo/galleries/$1
echo " DIR : " $1
chown -R www-data.www-data *
chown -R www-data.www-data .
for dir in $(find . -type d )
chmod 770 ${dir}
NBDIR=$(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d | wc -l)
find . -type f -exec chmod 640 {} \;
NBFILES=$(find . -maxdepth 2 -type f | wc -l )
echo " #albums : ${NBDIR} | #photos : ${NBFILES} "
hope this helps
Uhmm... I'm not sure if it's a permissions thing.
The gallery folder that contains the video shows this:
root@32acda4e55fc:/gallery/galleries/Pre-Visualizacao# ls -la
total 13720
drwxr-x--- 1 abc users 8192 Feb 18 16:51 .
drwxr-x--- 1 abc users 4096 Feb 5 17:47 ..
-rw-r----- 1 abc users 14031408 Jan 1 14:27 20150801_165246.mp4
drwxr-x--- 1 abc users 4096 Feb 20 12:46 pwg_representative
And inside pwg_representative we see this:
root@32acda4e55fc:/gallery/galleries/Pre-Visualizacao/pwg_representative# ls -la
total 136
drwxr-x--- 1 abc users 4096 Feb 20 12:46 .
drwxr-x--- 1 abc users 8192 Feb 18 16:51 ..
-rw-r----- 1 abc users 3855 Feb 19 07:05 20150801_165246-th_0.jpg
-rw-r----- 1 abc users 3776 Feb 19 07:05 20150801_165246-th_10.jpg
-rw-r----- 1 abc users 3837 Feb 19 07:05 20150801_165246-th_15.jpg
-rw-r----- 1 abc users 3671 Feb 19 07:05 20150801_165246-th_5.jpg
-rw-r----- 1 abc users 106659 Feb 20 12:46 20150801_165246.jpg
Just reinforcing what I've said before:
1) The only issue is the gray reel thumbnail in the gallery (https://piwigo.nosotros.ong.br/index.php?/category/9)
2) If I double click that thumbnail, a new page correctly shows the player, exhibiting a still from the video. If I start it, the video plays without issue
What I'm looking for is fixing #1 above.
EDIT: In case it isn't usual, the abc
user is the default user in this docker container.
EDIT2: Anyway, thanks for the script!
Last edited by gadolf (2023-02-22 18:56:44)
I am getting the same results as gadolf, running Piwigo 13.6.0 and the latest bootstrap_darkroom theme. Instead of the video poster jpgs, which exist in the pwg_representative directories, the img tag for the video poster is set to:
I tried the suggested cache clearing, directory removal, and synchronizing as well, to no effect.
I have these plugins installed & active:
* Community
* LocalFiles Editor
* Security Headers
* ShareAlbum
* VideoJS
I installed the VideoJS plugin from the master branch on Github, which fixes a number of issues in the one that is installed inside of Piwigo.
Any advice would be welcome!
Thank you
Last edited by brentk (2023-03-07 02:34:04)
When importing short videos (1-2 second clips from a phone, for example), I found that I had to edit admin/include/functions_upload.inc.php to comment out this line:
$ffmpeg.= ' -ss '.$second; // Fast seeking
The issue seems to be that an offset within 0-0.2 seconds (approx) of the end of the video fails.
Commenting out this line means the poster is generated from the start of the video.
I did not manage to fix plugins/piwigo-videojs/include/function_sync.php to address this issue in re-syncs. It still eludes me. Search for the bits that refer to $sync_options['postersec'].
Did anyone fix this? I am having the same problem. Directory structure is correct, but video thumbnails are not showing up.