Hi all,
I've managed to narrow down my issue with Community uploads to external users. When accessing my Piwigo install from within my local network, uploads work fine from all devices and all users. As soon as I hit my reverse proxy from external, uploads stall using the plugin. Uploads via admin console (i.e. not using community plugin) works fine.
Any ideas?
Piwigo 13.6.0 Check for upgrade
Installed on 6 March 2023, 1 day ago
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 8.1.16 (Show info) [2023-03-08 10:28:47]
MySQL: 10.6.12-MariaDB-log [2023-03-08 10:28:47]
Graphics Library: ImageMagick 7.1.0-52
Cache size 8.63 MB right now
Piwigo URL: http://gallery.thebradshaws.co.uk
I'm going to drop the link that helped me here after days of looking for a solution.
Essentially, reverse proxy was causing an issue where plugin pages were altering the port to port 80, regardless of the install port/forward port.
Fix applied to a config file, here. [Github] Piwigo issue #982
I believe this was supposed to have been fixed, but appending this code worked for me.,