I know one is supposed to use http://piwigosite.com/_data/i/galleries … oto-xx.jpg
but after playing around 2 hours, I noticed that the photo-xx.jpg is generated while I was in piwigo to view each file! that was why I spent a lot of time on the blog trying to figure why the code does not work...then it would work again (because photos generated in real time?).
I thought on somewhere one can generate photos of all sizes and these were saved....
so what name should I use? photo.jpg does not work because it does not exist. sometimes one photo only has photo-la.jpg, most others has photo-xx.jpg. now I am not sure what image url to use.
to add further confusion, there is also sitename/i.php?/galleries/photo.jpg
first I thought the /_data/i/ galleries and i.php?/galleries/ point to the same thing....
but now I found one photo that works in i.php? but not in _data/i
I am guessing to use i.php which will force generating the size?
ok, with over 60 blogs to update the URLs it will be a daunting job.
I will now try to rebuild the gallery3 links, but without the gallery3 programs or databases, just making the /var/resizes/galleryname/photo.jpg to work....
this should be doable with html tags pointing to all the photos, I hope!
yahoo! it works. all photos there and old gallery3 image linking still works, without the risk of using old software....
i just saved myself 12 hours....the first 3 took me 2 hours and it was so frustrating with the linking to piwigo...
I spent most of yesterday reuploading via cpanel, and deleted the photos in the upload folder. I wanted to have easier urls for the photos (e.g. with album names), I did not like the upload name in the photo link and it would be impossible to remember. also the photos in the upload folders were changed to the date of upload, thus making it difficult to find the original if someone wants a photo.
I am lucky most of mine were migrated from gallery3 and they were in albums.
it appears each time I view the album, a file (photo-xx.jpg) would be generated in _data/i/galleries/album-name. I am assuming this file is then deleted? because I only saw photo-me.jpg consistently there.
is there a way to avoid this? this is why I have to wait for 2 seconds for each photo to show up. Keeping the -xx.jpg file there somehow?
ok, nobody wants to tell me this, but I figured it out myself:
1. the file in the /_data/i/galleries are temporary and will be removed (not sure when but i found some -me files dated in Feb and not deleted, I suspect -la and -xx files are deleted perhaps once a week? anybody knows how soon they are deleted ?).
2. the file from a url like i.php?/galleries will make the server to generate that file in real time (if the admin has specified that file is allowed).
so it is safe to use #2 as a link because it will be generated in real time, if the file is not there. I would suggest using photo-me.jpg because it is reasonably small. photo-xx.jpg I notice a 2 second lag for each photo.
My 2cts
- photos (files) are in subdirectories ./piwigo/galleries
- once photos are generated in multiple formats, they are in ./piwigo/_data/i/galleries
Example with an original photo uploaded named: IMG_9095.JPG (see the last line, which indicates the original photo)
find . -name 'IMG_9095*.JPG' -ls
1184407 88 -rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 86135 Nov 11 23:32 ./piwigo/_data/i/galleries/2022/2022_05_10/IMG_9095-sm.JPG
1184409 232 -rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 236794 Nov 11 23:32 ./piwigo/_data/i/galleries/2022/2022_05_10/IMG_9095-la.JPG
1184406 56 -rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 54018 Nov 11 23:32 ./piwigo/_data/i/galleries/2022/2022_05_10/IMG_9095-xs.JPG
1184405 24 -rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 20536 Nov 11 23:31 ./piwigo/_data/i/galleries/2022/2022_05_10/IMG_9095-2s.JPG
1184404 12 -rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 9124 Nov 11 23:31 ./piwigo/_data/i/galleries/2022/2022_05_10/IMG_9095-th.JPG
1184411 552 -rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 561690 Nov 11 23:32 ./piwigo/_data/i/galleries/2022/2022_05_10/IMG_9095-xx.JPG
1184410 324 -rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 327993 Nov 11 23:32 ./piwigo/_data/i/galleries/2022/2022_05_10/IMG_9095-xl.JPG
1184408 160 -rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 161922 Nov 11 23:32 ./piwigo/_data/i/galleries/2022/2022_05_10/IMG_9095-me.JPG
1184403 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 7537 Nov 11 23:31 ./piwigo/_data/i/galleries/2022/2022_05_10/IMG_9095-sq.JPG
1694173 1876 -rw-r----- 1 www-data www-data 1920433 Nov 10 16:56 ./piwigo/galleries/2022/2022_05_10/IMG_9095.JPG
It is possible to generate all formats in menu
-be connected as admin user
-then go to : photo > Batch Manager .. using filter displays the album you want
> select all photos
> choose "Generate multiples size images"
> select "all" or choose the format wanted,
> apply action
Wait until all photos in multiple size
Hope this will help
Phil (just a user)
Phil, thank you. Yes I understand one can generate files (though I could not find the actual steps to do it when wanted, so thanks again).
but the questions is whether piwigo clean these files or not (it seems -xx.jpg files are removed because I did one blog linking to these files, then they were gone after 2 days).
perhaps dynamically generated ones are removed, but those generated with your steps are NOT?
can someone explain?
at any rate, the code /i.php?/ in a url link will generate the needed image, it seems (I had to test it yesterday, loading a file on a browser, then back at the cpanel side checking what files are generated).
it took almost 3 hours to generate medium (-me) and large (-la) files, for 1450 photos only. it is probably slowing down the server quite a bit. about 1 sec per photo!
"but the questions is whether piwigo clean these files or not (it seems -xx.jpg files are removed because I did one blog linking to these files, then they were gone after 2 days). "
no the files are not deleted automaticaly, this is at your hand.
same menu "delete multiple size images"
Yes It takes lot of time. It is one of the request I've done in october 2022, so piwigo can generate more than one photo at a time. [ sorry french link: https://fr.piwigo.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=29661 ]
I think it is possible, because when photos are displayed first with the option "refresh photo set" several photos are displayed at a time and if you have access to the server ps -ef command will show several convert running.
Phil (just a user)