#1 2023-11-07 08:52:05


Behavior after uploading from IOS (should be the same with android)


- Server Piwigo 13.8.0 on raspberry pi
- IOS Piwigo 3.1 (540) testflight.

Uploading is working very well however why the file (mp4) stays in the upload directory (ie upload/2023/11/07)  and is not moved to the target album directory (in my case galleries/2023/2023_10_31-11-05 ) ?
Ok it works, however I think it is better to have a complete album in the same place otherwise the piwigo directories become like windows os,  everything is there but you don't know where.

May one workaround can be to manualy move the mp4 from upload to the album directory and then synchronize?

Thank you for your remark and advise
Kind regards

Piwigo 15.3 on production platform with raspberry pi 4 Model B Rev 1.4 (OS 11 (bullseye))



#2 2023-11-07 22:35:23

Only trying to help

Re: Behavior after uploading from IOS (should be the same with android)

Under galleries/... are physical albums (so-called upload by FTP) which directory structure is imported to the database, while files in uploads/... are assigned to virtual albums. They are different things. See https://piwigo.org/doc/doku.php?id=user … management and https://piwigo.org/doc/doku.php?id=user … dd_picture

Running Piwigo at https://erack.net/gallery/



#3 2023-11-11 10:35:43


Re: Behavior after uploading from IOS (should be the same with android)

However on the mobile phone (IOS), I first select the album then select "photo/video", then upload the video.
The result is:
The video uploaded is visible with the physical album. It is one of the video of this album.
The result is the same if the video is rsynced to galleries sub sub directory which correspond to the album.
rsync over ssh and VPN,  as I DO NOT use ftp. I don't understand how it it possible today to recommend using ftp.

What if the video is manualy moved to the album sub directory and then resynchronize done?

Any remark, advise ?

Thank you

Piwigo 15.3 on production platform with raspberry pi 4 Model B Rev 1.4 (OS 11 (bullseye))



#4 2023-11-11 11:35:53

Only trying to help

Re: Behavior after uploading from IOS (should be the same with android)

Nobody recommends to use ftp, that method is still so called because that was where it originated from. The important part is whatever ends up under galleries/ however is in a physical album when synced. I don't know the iOS app nor how it uploads photos or whether you have a virtual album pointing to a physical album (if that is even possible) or how your video would be "visible with the physical album".

What if the video is manualy moved to the album sub directory and then resynchronize done?

Well, try? Though I'd hard link / copy it there and then delete it from the album first to not end up with a stale database entry.

Running Piwigo at https://erack.net/gallery/



#5 2023-11-11 14:30:14


Re: Behavior after uploading from IOS (should be the same with android)

Thanks @erAck for your answer, I always greatly appreciate.

ok for ftp ;-)
Yes the video uploaded using IOS app is visible with the physical album.

I tried with success.
What I have done:

- copy the mp4 file on another directory /home/xxx to save it.
  cp 20231107084108-b465ee89.mp4  /home/xxx/20231107084108-b465ee89.mp4
- delete the photo/video from piwigo interface,  yes you're right to a stale database entry / thanks
- copy the mp4 file from /home/xxx to the subdirectory where the album is (for me an album is named with year_month_day or  year_month1_day1-month2_day2 ,  it is my choice)
   cp /home/xxx/20231107084108-b465ee89.mp4 piwigo/galleries/2023/2023_10_31-11-05/.
- synchronize using the usual piwigo interface
- use batch manager to create a poster for this video.

The video is well displayed on a browser or IOS app.

-rw-r--r--  1 www-data www-data 149522685 Nov 11 14:09 20231107084108-b465ee89.mp4
drwxrwx---  3 www-data www-data      4096 Nov 11 14:16 .
drwxr-xr-x  2 www-data www-data      4096 Nov 11 14:16 pwg_representative

total 164
drwxrwx--- 3 www-data www-data   4096 Nov 11 14:16 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data   4096 Nov 11 14:16 .
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 155788 Nov 11 14:16 20231107084108-b465ee89.jpg

Now the album directory [ 2023_10_31-11-05 ] contains all the media (images files AND video files).

Thank you

Last edited by Phil35 (2023-11-11 14:50:53)

Piwigo 15.3 on production platform with raspberry pi 4 Model B Rev 1.4 (OS 11 (bullseye))



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