I have to switch off my plugin User Tags, otherwise I get the following error:
PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "value" on null in /_data/templates_c/rn5uyt_1heap9l^a805206b1307dc0209048519b7d53a07f0baa5eb_0.file.picture_info_tabs.tpl.php on line 205
On line 205 I have:
$_from = $_smarty_tpl->smarty->ext->_foreach->init($_smarty_tpl, $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['related_tags']->value, 'tag', false, NULL, 'tag_loop', array (
'first' => true,
'index' => true,
Any idea to fix this?
The problem with the above error persists with Piwigo 14.1
Piwigo 14.1.0 Check for upgrade
Installed on 26 November 2016, 7 years 1 month 3 days ago
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 8.1.26 (Show info) [2023-12-29 14:33:28]
MySQL: 8.0.35-cll-lve [2023-12-30 03:33:28]
Graphics Library: ImageMagick 6.9.12-93
Cache size 1734.46 Mo calculated 10 seconds ago Refresh
Activated plugin list 31
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Advanced Menu Manager
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Grum Plugins Classes.3
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PWG Stuffs (gives an error even with Piwigo 14.1)
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User Tags
Last edited by OpenPicture (2023-12-29 16:04:27)
I confirm the problem with user_tags. I fixed the issue but I have forgotten my password account to upload the update release of the plugin.
Hello Nicolas,
Thanks a lot for fixing this. The user Tags plugin works now in Piwigo 14.1 with PHP 8.1.
But everyone who still has to go back to PHP 7.4, like me, because of Whois Online (I am still waiting for plg to have a closer look at it) and PWG Stuffs, should save the previous version 0.95 or download it again from Piwigo Extensions.
Because with User Tags version 1.0, there is only a white, empty website under PHP 7.4.
Last edited by OpenPicture (2023-12-31 02:17:29)
OpenPicture wrote:
Hello Nicolas,
Thanks a lot for fixing this. The user Tags plugin works now in Piwigo 14.1 with PHP 8.1.
But everyone who still has to go back to PHP 7.4, like me, because of Whois Online (I am still waiting for plg to have a closer look at it) and PWG Stuffs, should save the previous version 0.95 or download it again from Piwigo Extensions.
Because with User Tags version 1.0, there is only a white, empty website under PHP 7.4.
I partially revert some code to make plugin still compatible with PHP 7.4. You can check it with release 1.0.1. But I think it's a bad idea to keep an old PHP version. My IDE and many of the tools I used are using PHP 8.2 to check, modify and update my code automatically to used new php features.
Hello Nicolas,
I agree with you completely when you say that you should always work with the latest PHP version, which is what I would normally do.
I just wanted to warn anyone who update and is still using PHP 7.4.
Actually, I didn't expect you to revise the plugin again.
For this you now get a particularly big thank you from me and I wish you a happy new year 2024.
No problem to make it working with PHP 7.4. It was not a big deal !