
#1 2024-06-14 10:13:39


User upload hangs

Hello Piwigo Community,

I made a fresh Piwigo installation, created group "GastGruppe", created user "Gast" and added to the group. I created a few albums, made them private with Group access for GastGruppe and User access for Gast and the Piwigo admin. I installed some plugins including the Community plugin. In the Community plugin I added access for User Gast for the complete gallery with option High confidence; I also deleted the default access entry of the Community plugin and deleted the Community album.

When logging in as user Gast via the Web interface it is possible to go via Explore to Upload pictures and fill the list with pictures. When clicking on START UPLOAD a new web page opens with a progress bar - but the progress bar hangs at zero. Clicking on CANCEL shows no effect.

(Sorry if the Piwigo menu & button words above do not match 100%, I use a German Piwigo surface and guessed the word translations as good as possible.)

Tried with Bootstrap Darkroom and Modus. Adding a second Community plugin access entry for Group GastGruppe does not help. Logging in as the Piwigo admin and trying to add pictures via Explore, Upload pictures, START UPLOAD fails, too. As Piwigo admin I can upload pictures via Administration, photos, add without any problems.

This is my second try, now with a troubleshoot-installation; my first installation with about 1000 photos is online and has the same problem.

The Piwigo Maintenance info:
    Piwigo 14.4.0
    Installiert auf 14 Juni 2024, vor 1 Stunde
    Betriebssystem: Linux
    PHP: 8.3.7 [2024-06-14 09:30:59]
    MySQL: 10.3.39-MariaDB-0+deb10u2 [2024-06-14 09:30:59]
    Grafikbibliothek: ImageMagick 7.1.1-32
    Größe des Cache nicht vorhanden nie berechnet
Liste der aktivierten Plugins 4
    FCK Editor
    LocalFiles Editor

Piwigo runs in a Docker container with image and this compose.yml file content:
        container_name: piwigo2
          - PUID=1014
          - PGID=1010
          - TZ=Europe/Berlin
          - /opt/appdata/lsiopiwigo2/config:/config
          - /opt/appdata/lsiopiwigo2/gallery:/gallery
          - 8082:80
        restart: unless-stopped

The MariaDB database user pwg2u has access, the Linux server folders at /opt/appdata/lsiopiwigo2 are owned by Linux user pwg2u and even giving full access rights for the folders and subfolders does not help.

How can I solve the problem?

Thanks in advance for your help and best regards,




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