I saw that several times since the last update to piwigo 15
I just created the album, and the message in "album" topic is:
57 minutes dans le futur
9 Novembre 2024"
57 minutes in the future
9 november 2024"
See screenshot
I checked the date and time of my laptop (where the photos/videos are stored first) and the date and time of the raspberry pi where the photos/videos are rsynced to. Date and time are coherents and identicals
Kind regards
Last edited by Phil35 (2024-11-09 15:11:32)
On the server you're using, the time of your php and database are not the same
you must define your zone
apt-get install ntp timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Paris service mysql restart
Hi ddtddt,
Thank you for your answer and the commands shared. I have done it.
Will see at the next album created.
Note: this is something previous version of piwigo didn't see. The server was before at 13.8 piwigo version before upgrade to piwigo 15. yes I bypassed version 14.
best regards
Hello @ddtddt,
new album created, same result
" Créé 58 minutes dans le futur 12 Novembre 2024 "
I did the commands you shared, may the pi needs to be rebooted ?
On your page [Administration > Tools > Maintenance > tab Environment], you have something like:
PHP: 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.19 (Montrer les informations) [2024-11-12 18:53:55]
MySQL: 5.5.5-10.6.18-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 [2024-11-12 18:53:55]
You see that both "MySQL time" and "PHP time" are the same. What do you have on your Piwigo?
Thank you for your help.
PHP: 8.2.25 (Montrer les informations) [2024-11-12 18:56:51]
MySQL: 10.5.26-MariaDB-0+deb11u2 [2024-11-12 19:56:51]
not identical, there is one hour difference, May be the raspberry pi needs to be rebooted?
The MySQL datetime is right, the PHP datetime is one hour late.
Edit your php.ini file, set:
date.timezone = Europe/Paris
Then restart php-fpm:
service php8.1-fpm restart
Hello @plg,
Thank you for your help.
It is PHP: 8.2.25 not 8.1
I edit /etc/php/8.2/fpm/php.ini
then restart php8.2-fpm
nothing better, still one hour behind.
done the same for /etc/php/8.2/apache2/php.ini and /etc/php/8.2/cli/php.ini
then restart php8.2-fpm
nothing better, still one hour behind.
I reboot the raspberry pi and now it is Ok.
PHP: 8.2.25 (Montrer les informations) [2024-11-13 08:28:22]
MySQL: 10.5.26-MariaDB-0+deb11u2 [2024-11-13 08:28:22]
Thank you again