how do u upload pics.cause i dont see a link for it newhere.please help.thamks.
did you read the instruction page in the admin section ? (it's very well explained I think ;) )
ok i read it and i still dont understand:
How to place pictures in your directories :
in the directory "galleries", create directories that will represent your categories
in each directory, you can only create one level of sub-directory, PhpWebGallery 1.1 only manage categories/sub-categories, not beyond yet (is it usefull ?).
you can create as many categories and sub-categories for each category as you wish
picture files must have jpeg format (extension jpg or JPG), gif format (extension gif or GIF) or png format (extension png or PNG).
try not to use blank space " " or hyphen "-" in picture files, I advise you to use underscore "_" character which is managed by PhpWebGallery and will provide better results
now this is what it says but what it doesnt have a word on how to get pics in it only how to make catogories and what files its supports.nothin about uploadin them.
you have to create directories and upload pictures by ftp.
ok.... so how will my members add pics? since i dont have ftp access for them.
ok.... so how will my members add pics? since i dont have ftp access for them.
your users can only upload their pictures with the version 1.2, your version is 1.1. The upload by users is explained in the instruction page (admin section) of the 1.2 version ;)