im using phpwebgallery since last night. Very good gallery.
Everything to install and setup was very easy and works
Complimets for this "Product"!!!
I have made some test and there is only one function wich i
will miss at this time for my use of the gallery.
I'm using a WebCam with motion detection to protect my house.
The WebCam Software will upload automaticly images to my
webpage and exactly there is my actual problem!!!
Is it possible to create a user with admin rights so that the validation
of the pics from the user e.g. "WebCam" will perform automatic????
I want to see all the pics of that user directly after upload. I'am using
a structure like "montag, dienstag, mittwoch, ... , sonntag.
My automatic ftp-upload knows about the actual day and wich folder to
use at this day.
Can you please give me some ideas how to create a full atomatic "user"
Thorsten, Germany
ps.: i'm working on a better german translation than the one wich comes with the download.
that's an interesting application of PhpWebGallery...
I suppose you use the ftp to upload your webcams pictures. What you need is an automatic creation of the associated thumbnail and automatic update of the database... It's not very simple, but I will think about that. It doesn't seem to be easy at first sight.
thanx for the really quick reply :D
One more test wich i made.
I uploaded some pics using ftp.
I have used the thumbnail creation out of the admin menu. (No problem)
After validating the pics and updating the database the pic are online.
well, just imagine you'd upload your pics to folders! - you could easilily start a cron job (under linux etc.) to update your gallery! - you'd have to modify your script to update the folders without a session-object! i think the task itself isn't so hard to be solved.
i truly believe that the current windows systems like 2000 or XP are also able to do an aquivalent job!
but, in case of using a free provider or so you could have problems to modify the system's environment (like a cron job). Mostly you're only allowed to upload some files .... :x and not modify the whole environment...
Then, you'd have to store the date of the last visit into the database and then validate the date of the next visit to check if there is something new that has to be updated....
Wouldn't that slow down the gallery in an inappropriate way?
Please tell me if i'm completely wrong with this intention to automate the search for new pictures....
you are not completly wrong, but my "upload" works fine with all
the pics i send over the day (500). All folders of the current day
are working.
The only thing wich i miss with phpwebgallery is to setup a
"automatic" user wich will do all the validation an updating
in background without the admin beeing online.
If i am online it costs me only a few clicks to update all.
Yes, automatic validation would be a great solution, I don't want to validate EVERY SINGLE PICTURE users send me. Unfortunately I'm not so skilled in Php programming, so I have to ask you: how to do it? This gallery is fantastic, but it has this little problem...
Thanks in advance!!!
Simple to do now by a Plugin (to do).
But we need trigger in upload process.
Currently no triggers are available in this script with 1.7.0.
Hy there,
is it posible by now to do an automatic validation of pics ?