#1 2008-12-22 15:48:23

Jive Bunny

Duplicate Meta Descriptions

I have been looking in my google webmaster tools content analysis and it is reporting 20,798 Duplicate meta descriptions.

I gave the INFO_COMMENT and INFO_TAGS a look at regarding metatags. This isn't going to work for me.

I tested it out on localhost and I had over 3,000,000 tag association which basically took a
page 1 minute to load and my hdd was going nuts so I cant use this on my hosting and using comments as meta descriptiom wouldn't help as I don't get many comments.

I use the Meta plugin and am wondering if there is a way to add the name of the image to the description. Image name + plugin meta description become one entity to make up the full meta description.

My thinking is that If the image name that is being viewed was included with the current meta description. It wouldn't be a duplicate due to the difference in filename's being before the Meta description as it is now. Atleast, In my case.

I have tried to do this myself. I tried to add INFO_FILE, The page title and got nowhere with it.

Is there anything I can do to avoid the duplicate meta descriptions? I'm really at a loss here in how I can tackle this.

Also Is there a list of INFO_ stuff anywhere? The only INFO_  I have noticed  is in picture.tpl and wondering if any other INFO_ would be of any use in this situation.

Oh and happy holidays all.



#2 2008-12-29 22:53:39

Piwigo Team
Nantes, France, Europe

Re: Duplicate Meta Descriptions

Your request is not a simple one, this is why the answer is not easy to give :-) To make things clearer, please give an example of what you want (you have give the theoretical explanation, now we need a example)



#3 2009-01-03 00:26:59

Jive Bunny

Re: Duplicate Meta Descriptions

I give it a try. This is what I tried to do.

In the meta plugin you have this in main.inc.php


$code2='<!-- BEGIN meta_meta -->
<META name="author" content="{meta_meta.AUTHOR}">
<META name="keywords" content="{meta_meta.KEY}">
<META name="description" content="{meta_meta.DESCR}">
<META name="robots" content="{meta_meta.ROBO}">
<meta name="revisit-after" content="1 days" />

the line that I am interested in is this one


<META name="description" content="{meta_meta.DESCR}">

Now what I was suggesting(trying) to add the name of the image to this {meta_meta.DESCR}

so image name + {meta_meta.DESCR} = one entity giving me a unique description because the filenames differ slightly.

The best way I can express it is like this


INFO_FILE + {meta_meta.DESCR} = one entity


{TITLE} + {meta_meta.DESCR} = one entity

or adding the image name + category + {meta_meta.DESCR} = one entity

effectively becoming



Thats about all I have got. I couldn't get it to work when messing with the main.inc.php.

I have No idea how to proceed with this and I really need to do something.



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