I am using phpwebgallery and haven't upgraded to the Piwigo. Recently I have exceeded my hosting providers (1&1) Mysql maximum storage limit. The table that is the largest is: phpwebgallery_history - I am wondering if there is anything I can do to continue using my gallery, because 1&1 can not increase my limit. I currently have a total of 6393 images in my gallery.
Thanks for your help:
By phpMyAdmin start a clean up your history table.
After, by PhpWebGallery 1.7.x or Piwigo 2.0.x, you might use the Astat plugin.
You will find there in the tools speadsheet a clean up parameter.
You can purge history in admin pannel -> Specials -> Maintenance
P@t wrote:
You can purge history in admin pannel -> Specials -> Maintenance
If he has an access to his admin panel yet... ;)
There is a plugin named fstat or similar for PHPWebGallery (not Piwigo) that stores your history to a file instead of the database.
Better clean up the files regularly though.
Writing to a text file isn't a great idea. The chances of losing data is quite high.