I’ve been working on a plugin for WordPress – PiwiMedia.
The main purpose of this plugin is to insert and link images, located on a Piwigo gallery site, into WordPress posts, using the user friendly TinyMCE editor.
This is the first public version and it is far from tested, for compatibility issues, etc, in fact, only WordPress 3.0.4 & Piwigo 2.1.6 were tested!
I’ll appreciate feedback on installation and configuration issues. Suggestions are welcome, as usual.
You can download and see a screenshot at: http://b.joaoubaldo.com/?p=317
Super :-)
I'll try to test quickly
I've tested your Wordpress plugin and I find it terrific. I already love it! Congratulations!
Things that could be improved in my opinion:
* an icon more related to Piwigo. You can take the current Piwigo.org favicon or wait for the upcoming favicon (that will be available for Piwigo 2.2)
* directly propose a hierarchy in the "select a category" listbox
maybe the "Piwigo webservice URL" could be a bit more user friendly : nobody knows the ws.php file, this is a file only called by softwares, not by humans. Why not something like "Piwigo URL" and you automatically understand where the ws.php is:
* http://piwigo.org/demo/ => http://piwigo.org/demo/ws.php
* http://piwigo.org/demo/index.php?/category/Islands => http://piwigo.org/demo/ws.php
For maximum user friendliness, your plugin should accept all these URLs. To make sure you have a correct setting, perform a ws.php?method=pwg.session.getStatus POST request, you should always have a result.
Nice, the feedback was faster than I expected! ; - )
Regarding the [very welcome] suggestions:
- Icon: I will change it to something more obvious.
- Categories tree (maybe 2-3 level max): Looks simple to implement, I will further investigate this.
- Piwigo URL - Might be a good option to assume ws.php by default (for simplicity reasons), but I also believe it's useful to let the user choose the script name (eg. non-public access to ws.php). I might create a separate field for more advanced configuration.
I'm yet to find a new name for the plugin. Something should come out soon.
I have updated the plugin to v0.7.
New features include:
- UI with better page and categories navigation (using breadcrumb)
- a bit of code clean up
- new name - PiwigoMedia
- new icon for TinyMCE editor
Download + screenshot:
This is HUGE. Thank you very much for this Wordpress plugin João C.
It works perfectly on my local Wordpress 3.0.1
Tiny comments:
* by default the "piwigomedia" directory (out of piwigomedia-0.7.zip) is drwx------ and it required a chmod -R go+rx piwigomedia to become visible in my Wordpress plugin list
* the version is still 0.6 in piwigomedia.php
I wrote a post on my blog about PiwigoMedia : Insert your photos from Piwigo into WordPress
Good evening.
plg, thanks for your feedback again. I'm glad PiwigoMedia worked on your Wordpress installation!
I've confirmed those two situations you've mentioned and I'll upload a fixed 0.7 very soon.
plg wrote:
I wrote a post on my blog about PiwigoMedia : Insert your photos from Piwigo into WordPress
Ouh, I forgot to mention - Nice walkthrough with i-m-a-g-e-s! ; - )
I just have a remark about this WP plugin : when album is not configured in settings, button is displayed in editor toolbar and then an error is displayed in popup.
Hi everyone.
Thank you all for your feedback (in such a short period of time!).
All of the suggestions we've discussed here in the last 2 days are now consolidated in version 0.8, that I've just released (http://b.joaoubaldo.com/?p=335).
Summary for 0.8:
* update: UI updated (a little more compact)
* new: initial error handling.
* new: Piwigo Webservice URL setting has been split into two fields: Piwigo URL + Web service script
I'm waiting for your helpful feedback ;-p
Thanks :-)
Do you have provided management locations ?
(switch language)
Hi ddtddt.
I will add i18n support very, very soon. By that time I will publish the POT file for users willing to translate the plugin.
i´m very impressed.
It works perfectly on my Wordpress 3.0.5
well done