
#1 2011-06-04 06:51:05


Total WTF installation process

Sweet lord what a mess.
The default php script would more than likely run like a dream if you are running it on a hosted server with all the pre-reqs installed but for those of us that want to build our own server it fails..and it fails hard. Furthermore after hours and hours of searching I cannot find an install guide from the ground up. So I've been pulling on 20 years of experience to install the pre-reqs one by one and faking each step as I go...So slowly I am fixing one error after another but after a few hours I'm giving up (for now). So my feedback is there needs to be a COMPLETE install guide detailing the install of all the pre-reqs for major platforms like Ubuntu, Win 7, etc... the posts I have found are people like me ripping their hair out as they are getting blank screens after running install.php (not very easy to troubleshoot a blank white screen)  or vague error messages. If I've missed a comprehensive (lets say Win 7) install guide please point it out to me otherwise I'm just creating MySql databases and trying to point this app at it hoping things will fall into place. I've read extensively and used google for hours before posting this. I can't believe this install is this complex so I must be missing something and hopefully someone can re-direct me. Thank you!

Last edited by j3t (2011-06-04 06:53:10)



#2 2011-06-04 06:59:22

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: Total WTF installation process

You can read this

You can test piwigo without installing ->

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#3 2011-06-04 07:04:43


Re: Total WTF installation process

ddtddt wrote:

You can read this

You can test piwigo without installing ->

um yeah. did that step 1 hours ago doesn't address the Complete end to end build...a demo? thanks...not at all what I'm looking for but hey.

Let me try explain it better...the links you've pointed me at talk about for instance running an auto install script....okay cool!

When you dig into it and try to run it asks you for:
"Your Web Host
You'll need a web hosting account to use SimpleScripts."

woah. wait. I'm hosting it. I need to install all the pre-reqs first! I'm not one of these hosting providers.... I want to host this myself...what now?
Where are the instructions for the pre-reqs? How am I supposed to know what that looks like? Do I just install a vanilla MySql instance? sa account? permissions? ports? database name? then there's IIS or the likes...what settings should I have there...on and on.. The install guides pick up mid-way if you aren't using a hosted box somewhere. "when the installer says things like:

"given by your host provider"

I'm saying um no. nothing has been given to me by any host or provider. I want to set this db and IIS instance up myself. I can do it, tell me what you want. That's the documentation I am looking for.  does that help clarify? I mean anyway you slice it getting a blank white screen during install is pretty bad and that's what I've gotten and numerous other people have gotten too from looking at the results of my searches. Furthermore, none of the posts have been answered with a solution.  I want to build EVERYTHING from the ground up and need to know what that install looks like.

Last edited by j3t (2011-06-04 07:20:14)



#4 2011-06-04 13:20:14

Former Piwigo Team

Re: Total WTF installation process

Hi j3t,

Generaly, we provide Piwigo support mainly with Apache because it's the Web server system the most widespread and, most importantly, used by virtually all web hosts in the world.
However, in the case of a self-hosting (as you wish), this implies, for you, a minimum of technical knowledge on the installation, configuration and monitoring of a Web server on the system that has been chosen. You understand that it will be difficult to us to ensure such a support in addition to Piwigo ;-)

We will still try to help. Thank you for answering the following questions to clarify the situation:

Which system do you want to run Piwigo? Apache? IIS?

You talk of pre-requisite but what are you talking about? Php? MySql? The Web server configuration?

Your Web server with PHP and MySql is it fully operational? Is a php page well displayed? Is your database reachable from a web page hosted on your server ?

The easiest way is to use Apache as there is a reliable solution even under Windows (see WampServer, EasyPHP, XAMPP ...). If you want to run Piwigo with IIS, it can work but with a bit more difficulty with the settings. And you'll have to install the PHP support and, of course, a MySql database because Piwigo does not yet support Microsoft databases.



#5 2011-06-04 18:06:13


Re: Total WTF installation process

I am building a Linux box for this now. The pre-req = yes. All of those. I still think there should be documentation but if there isn't I'll get the other services up and running and then give this a shot again.....

Let's say I run a data center and I want to start host piwigo on my systems. What documentation would I use to make sure I have a system properly configured in order to run Piwigio?

That is what I am looking for. As opposed to "well my DBs are happy, PHP is happy but I'm still getting the blank white screen so lets try another port as that didn't connect" That is a frustrating experience. I've given up on resolving issues on Windows "onsies -twosies" as I wasted hours on that w/out documentation or error messages so hopefully everything will be vanilla configs on Linux.

Last edited by j3t (2011-06-04 18:07:54)



#6 2011-06-04 18:46:33

Former Piwigo Team

Re: Total WTF installation process

j3t wrote:

Let's say I run a data center and I want to start host piwigo on my systems. What documentation would I use to make sure I have a system properly configured in order to run Piwigio

There are a lot of tutorials and "howto" articles ont the Web. Let's take a look on these first results i found from a google search with "Linux how to build a web server" key words: … erver.html … n_server/1 … onfig.html

And there are much more :-)

j3t wrote:

That is what I am looking for. As opposed to "well my DBs are happy, PHP is happy but I'm still getting the blank white screen so lets try another port as that didn't connect"

If you get a white page, it could be normal. Have you created and submitted a sample index.php file in the www root folder of your Apache site? For testing only, this file could contain the following lines:
<? php
php_info ();

If all works fine, this URL "http://localhost/index.php" in your web browser will show the actual php configuration report.

Then, refere yourself to tutorials (example given above) to
- Create your dedicated Piwigo web folder (something like http://localhost/piwigo/),
- Create a new MySql database (by using phpmyadmin script that can be installed automatically)
- Put the netinstall.php file in your Piwigo home directory or uncompress manually the lastest Piwigo zip file
- Perform Piwigo installation by using the URL http://localhost/piwigo/netinstall.php (if netinstall is used) or http://localhost/piwigo/index.php (if zip file is used).

In my case, I use Piwigo on external web hosts (3 galleries) but I also have a number of galeries (for testing) running on my computer. But I use Windows Vista (with WampServer) and I only know little about Linux. I can only guide you globally.



#7 2011-12-21 04:04:26

Michael Weber

Re: Total WTF installation process

Eric wrote:

If you get a white page, it could be normal. Have you created and submitted a sample index.php file in the www root folder of your Apache site? For testing only, this file could contain the following lines:
<? php
php_info ();

no space between ? and php.

Eric wrote:

Then, refere yourself to tutorials (example given above) to

On Gentoo/Linux you need dev-lang/php[exif,mysql,gd], dont forget to increase post_max_size and upload_max_filesize and setdate.timezone in /etc/php/apache2-php5.3/php.ini ;-)

And i support the critic on the simple minded installation "instructions".


#8 2011-12-24 21:34:28


Re: Total WTF installation process

I am running into this exact problem the OP had.  I followed this guide http(colon) to setup my own personal Debian server, ran "apt-get install piwigo" as it is a package provided in Debian.  Now what?  I already have my photos in a shared directory on my server, but how can I link them to Piwigo without re-uploading them? 

I agree, a "homebrew" style walkthrough would be excellent.

- spillin


#9 2011-12-24 21:49:38


Re: Total WTF installation process

Well, I got my problems worked out.  Moved the pictures from my shared directory to /var/lib/piwigo/web/gallery/ and changed all permissions to read-write, so I could generate the thumbnails. 

Probably not the 'right' way of doing things, but my server isn't facing the internet anyway, so I'm not too worried.



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