Still struggling a bit with the gallery pages layout - I'd like them closer together and bigger but except for that niggle I'm quite chuffed! My photography website is now up at
My "About" page introduces me and consistent with my long history with open source, gives credit where credit is due - you!:
Welcome to my photo gallery, hope you enjoy my captures.
I have been a photography enthusiast for over 35 years and started out using the traditional dark room technologies, I was reintroduced to a whole new way of photography(digital) a mere 8 years ago(My first steps on the path of analog photography were taken with the wonderfully simple, yet effective Pentax K1000). After my reintroduction to photography in the digital era I progressed from a Pentax K110D via the wonderful K100D-Super to the K20D and very recently (Nov.2011) the K-5. I continue to use both the K20D and the K-5. I use a fully open-source workflow in my RAW to JPEG processes, as well as in my HDR photography.
With HDR I tend to combine 3 to 5 handheld shots of the same subject through careful alignment and tonemapping to attempt to duplicate the dynamic range of the human eye. I want to register what I think I saw and remember, not necessarily what the electronics of my camera dictate I must have seen. I combine my passion of open-source solutions with digital photography and use my camera as outlet for creative energy and my computer to show that it is merely the creativity of the photographer, not the amount of money invested in equipment or software, that counts.
In the event you would like to hang one of these images on your wall, there's a shopping link at the bottom of each page. I only need to cover my costs and then a bit so prices are very reasonable (starting at Euro20 for a 45cm x 30cm print) and I will take great care getting the original 16 megapixel file printed through a high-quality printing service. Shipping in Europe is Euro10. For shipping outside of Europe, please contact me through the email link and I will quote you whatever shipping service you'd want to use.
Every image is shot in the highest quality available in the camera (raw) and the files are individually converted and edited using the very latest open source software. Using open source gives me the ability to apply the latest developments in image editing techniques without waiting for commercial software manufacturers to release updates and upgrades. It also allows me to ignore the cost of expensive software when selling my work. Part of the proceeds of the sale of images on this site is donated to noteworthy open source projects such as:
LuminanceHDR , an open source graphical user interface application that aims to provide a workflow for HDR imaging.
PCLinuxOS, a free easy to use Linux-based Operating System for x86 desktops or laptops.
UFRaw, a utility to read and manipulate raw images from digital cameras.
In line with my consistent use of open source editing software, this gallery is hosted on an open source platform, Piwigo. Piwigo is photo gallery software for the web, built by an active community of users and developers. Extensions make Piwigo easily customizable.
Visit Piwigo website
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Piwigo group
Piwigo application
Last edited by newmikey (2012-06-27 14:07:39)
Nice post. Welcome :)
For … ategory/5, did you climb out of the plane?