Dear all,
I would like to introduce you my Piwigo Gallery
I'm on Piwigo since 2010 and I have always to enhance my gallery.
Since Piwigo 2.4, I had to build my gallery from scratch again because everything went wrong. But now it seems to be OK.
However, few back points remaining:
- I don't know how to add a new photo thumb line for my first block on home: there are only 4 images and it supposed to display 8 images (4+4)
- I would like to remove: "first previous next last" and "News"
- I don't know if it's possible to add a row in my block "location" to reduce the heigh of the block
Anyway, if you have any comment and any answer to my question, I will be please to read you!
Hi Logic.
Nice presentation.
I assume this was done with 'Additional Pages'.
If it was, can you not add an additional row of thumbnails in the first block in te coding?
Or are you using something else to create the page.
The First/Last etc is part of the Evil_Blog plugin, so to remove that would rewuire a mod to the plugin.
Have a look at lines 25-41 in posts.tpl in the plugin directory.
Not sure which part of the page you refer to as "location".
You do have one problem I can see that you did not mention.
You have included a block containing the rv_maps map.php. If you click on a thumbnail in a map infobox (opens on clicking icon) the gallery opens in that block instead of the page (in the way the other thumbnail links do).
I'm not sure if you can cure this without causing problems in the nowmal rv_gmaps behaviour - the link behaviour is coded into map.php, and if you change that then it will work differently to the way intended when viewed in the gallery pages.
Nice theme. I hope you will make it available to us one day :)
I'm sure this is not a custom theme (although I may ne wrong).
Logic seems to be using the 'Stripped' theme and creating the look using plugins, eg Evil_Blog, Additional Pages and probaly others.