Hi - its been a while.
In parts of the EU, it is necessary to warn site visitors about cookies.
These are the cookies listed as set by Piwigo for one of my installations.
Can someone define what they are for please.
page-menu: This cookie is used to record and use the last selected position of the menu bar
Also, are there any other cookies set by Piwigo - for example by the community plugin etc.
That's the perfect example of why this legislation is absurd
These cookies are from extensions, like a theme which would like to know if the user expanded the panel
I agree flop - the law can be an ass sometimes.
(at the moment I am in dispute with a company who is claiming a domain name because they registered the name as a trademark 16 years after I registered the domain - and there is a chance they will win!!)
Anyway, back to the cookies - I know what the page-menu is for, but I need to know what the others in my list are for (the Piwigo user wants to list the cookies and their purpose in his cookie information page).
Thanks for any info.
Hi pewe, did you see this [Forum, topic 21928] Piwigo and cookies and the tool EdwinKort mentions? I like that approach better than the user block that always appears or the one-time mention in registration terms and conditions on the registration page.
JJF - I did see that tool.
There is quite a wide choice of scripts out there now, some easy to use in Piwigo, (using the header plugin) others which require a change to the index.php file, which is not so easy (and gets screwed on updates).
Some are completely editable, some you are always reliant of the developers and their site.
If I remember correctly there were 2 things that put me off it the above script:
1 - It uses scripts on their site (and I can't remember if you can do anything about that),
2. the code is encrypted so you can't see what is in it.
Anyway, the tool I went for is the one I am using here http://uko.com/photosdemo/ which I got here http://cookieguard.eu/.
It is very flexible and shows the visitor a list of all the cookies used on the site catagorising as essential and non essential, allowing them to use the essential (or not visit the site) and use or turn off non essential ones.
It is also easily customisable - just edit the code that's put in using the header plugin.