Hi All,
Having been taking photographs on and off for over 40 years, and I'm only 51 now, the question has always arisen as to what to do with them. I've dabbled in online galleries of sorts for 15 years since I first got 256kB of webspace included with a dialup internet account. Everything was hand-coded in Notepad then and photos were 10k max jpegs. Many half hearted attempts to do better have followed and these days most of my snaps got no further than Facebook!
Until now. With piwigo I have found the web gallery tool that does exactly what I want in the way I think it should do it, and everything else I've wanted, there seems to be a plugin to do it!
So, early days, many, many more photos to upload, title and tag, but have a look and give me any feedback as to how I can make it even better!
Many thanks to all the team - good job!
Your Piwigo site looks nice.
Very nice work, Paul! I love your site design, eventually I'd like to have mine in a similar fashion.
I don't do astrophotography (yet...), but I do get to photograph observatories: my wife is an astronomer, so I have an indecent amount of access to a 3.5 and a 2.5 meter telescope.
Last edited by WayneWestPhotography (2013-04-25 20:59:50)