What can one really do with the AddInfo plugin?
Is it possible, that an image has all the 3 info fileds, however, info-1 is displayed for "A" group of users, info-2 is for "B" group, and info-3 is for the "C" group?
Where may I set the value of the info fileds? Where can it be decided where to display them?
I am looking for a solution to a question asked here:
Offline wrote:
Is it possible, that an image has all the 3 info fileds, however, info-1 is displayed for "A" group of users, info-2 is for "B" group, and info-3 is for the "C" group?
Plugincan't do that
Offline wrote:
Where may I set the value of the info fileds? Where can it be decided where to display them?
in the lang local file, you can add
$lang['addinfo_info1'] = 'as you want';
Thanks for the answer, ddtddt!
I still wonder what the plugin does... however, as it does not do the trick I need... :)
Thanks again! And I keep on trying to find a solution.
Friendly greetings,
plugin to add 3 informations on picture's page just after line Created on
I am testing it...
Added this:
$lang['addinfo_info1'] = '1. kategória ára:';
$lang['addinfo_info2'] = '2. kategória ára:';
$lang['addinfo_info3'] = '3. kategória ára:';
in the file:
with the LocalFiles Editor, however, I do not see the data on the photo's page.
Do I have to set up something somewhere for this info to be shown?
sorry for delays :-(
It's OK now ?
for 'Photo properties'
is what you hide 'Created on'
plugin add info on this information
This is not what I needed... So, I try to resolve it in another way.
Thanks, anyhow!
AddInfo stores additional information in database, it works fine. But this info is not "searchable" by standard piwigo search dialog. Is this function on to-do list?
Bob wrote:
AddInfo stores additional information in database, it works fine. But this info is not "searchable" by standard piwigo search dialog. Is this function on to-do list?
I have exactly the same question to the developer!
Konve wrote:
Bob wrote:
AddInfo stores additional information in database, it works fine. But this info is not "searchable" by standard piwigo search dialog. Is this function on to-do list?
I have exactly the same question to the developer!
Happy NewYear! :)
Can we expect the development of plugin?
Konve wrote:
Bob wrote:
AddInfo stores additional information in database, it works fine. But this info is not "searchable" by standard piwigo search dialog. Is this function on to-do list?
I have exactly the same question to the developer!
Up! :)
Hi :-)
Sorry, I don't have time to try to do this
good morning friend
sorry I'm probably a lot dumb.
please help me:
I installed the plugin Addinfo
I saved the settings
I saved the configuration
I completed the description in the picture (I've uploaded only one photo )
I opened the photo page
but l do not see them and file descriptions
$lang['addinfo_h2'] = 'Gestione d\'informazioni complementari sulla pagina delle foto';
$lang['addinfo_complete'] = 'Informazioni complementarie - Plugin Add Info';
$lang['addinfo_insing'] = 'Inserire i valori nel database';
//onglet explication
$lang['addinfo_explication'] = 'Presentazione';
$lang['addinfo_explication_help'] = 'Questo plugin è un esempio per aggiungere delle informazioni sulle foto, per utilizarlo, dovrete adattarlo';
$lang['addinfo_explication_update non'] = 'Sostituzione di INFO1, INFO2, INFO3';
$lang['addinfo_explication_update non_help'] = 'Per fare ciò, nel vostro file locale di lingua, è necessario aggiungere :<br>
$lang[\'addinfo_info1\'] = \'nome che volete per INFO1\'; <br>
$lang[\'addinfo_info2\'] = \'nome che volete per INFO2\'; <br>
$lang[\'addinfo_info3\'] = \'nome che volete per INFO3\'; <br>
//onglet addinfo et admin info
$lang['addinfo_info1'] = 'ciccio';
$lang['addinfo_info2'] = 'ada';
$lang['addinfo_info3'] = 'dani';
$lang['Add information before'] = 'Aggiungi informazioni prima ';
Last edited by vaserra (2013-05-28 11:21:06)
Hi :-)
could you give me a link by email, if you want