
#1 2014-01-18 19:10:12


Piwigo 2.6 upgrade - no large images available

On my Piwigo install all photos are fairly high resolution.  After upgrading to 2.6, regardless of what theme I use, only very small photos are used on the individual photo pages.  My album is below, just in case you want to see what I mean.  You'll need to work your way down to an individual photo page, where in the past I would have only the original size photo showing on the page.  Any ideas how to fix this?



#2 2014-01-18 19:14:33

Piwigo Team
Nantes, France, Europe

Re: Piwigo 2.6 upgrade - no large images available

Hi Vern,

What are the photo sizes activated on [Administration > Configuration > Options > Photo sizes] ?
Did you change the default size in your local configuration? (default size is M by default)



#3 2014-01-18 19:48:00


Re: Piwigo 2.6 upgrade - no large images available

Interesting.  I checked this initially.  Since I always had this configured to only show the photo at original size, I assumed the upgrade didn't change this.  When I looked at the options you mention, everything was unchecked except the two smallest sizes, so just to be sure I checked X-Large and XX-Large.  That didn't change anything.

After reading your post, I decided to give it a try again, and this time I just checked every size.  That fixed it to some degree, in that in most cases at least a larger size photo is showing, but not the original size photo.

If I remember right, when I looked at these settings before, what I saw initially, that everything is unchecked worked for me, because whatever the original size of the photo was, that's what was displayed.  If I check every size option it looks like the photos are being scaled to the largest setting that is smaller than the original, which means they are still being down-scaled.  Is there different setting in the new configuration to only show the original size photo on the picture page, and not resize it in any case?



#4 2014-01-18 21:50:40

Piwigo Team

Re: Piwigo 2.6 upgrade - no large images available

use only the Medium size with large values

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#5 2014-01-19 01:30:00


Re: Piwigo 2.6 upgrade - no large images available

Thanks for all the super fast help as usual.  Using Medium only and changing the values to something larger than my largest photo, did fix the problem.  Coincidentally, I was using the Stripped theme before, which handles these settings differently than most other themes, which is why I guess I never noticed it.  The Stripped update was just released and I'm back to using that, but I left the 'fixed' settings applied in case I ever need to switch themes again.



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