•  » Themes
  •  » [Theme] GreyDragon Theme

#46 2014-11-06 14:55:21

Leopoldsburg, Belgium

Re: [Theme] GreyDragon Theme


no, I installed the GreyDragon theme and the problem started. Then I uninstalled it but the problem wasn't resolved. I uninstalled some inactive themes and more problems occured (strangely enough).

Flop25 told me it could be a problem with the ContactForm plugin. Well, I deactivated and removed it and the problem was resolved... I re-installed the ContactForm plugin and now everything works normal again...





#47 2014-11-06 18:16:13

Serge D

Re: [Theme] GreyDragon Theme

Pat2309 wrote:

UPDATE: seems like there was a big issue with the plugin ContactForm. Anyway, now the problems are fixed I will not install the theme anymore! Too much of a risk!

To be clear. You have over dozen of errors with your page layout with your current theme. I do not know if it is related to plugins you are using or not, but you may want it to be looked at.
If, in fact, you are looking for help, then having include more information with your post would be much more helpful and I gladly would attempt to help you. Having statements that "theme broke your site" is unproductive and does not help anyone.

To make proper reply for your statement:

Don't want to use it, don't use it. But do not blame the theme for your own messed up install. There is no "risk" in using the theme considering 1K+ people are using it, IF you use it right.



#48 2014-11-06 18:32:51

Leopoldsburg, Belgium

Re: [Theme] GreyDragon Theme

Serge D wrote:

Pat2309 wrote:

UPDATE: seems like there was a big issue with the plugin ContactForm. Anyway, now the problems are fixed I will not install the theme anymore! Too much of a risk!

To be clear. You have over dozen of errors with your page layout with your current theme. I do not know if it is related to plugins you are using or not, but you may want it to be looked at.
If, in fact, you are looking for help, then having include more information with your post would be much more helpful and I gladly would attempt to help you. Having statements that "theme broke your site" is unproductive and does not help anyone.

To make proper reply for your statement:

Don't want to use it, don't use it. But do not blame the theme for your own messed up install. There is no "risk" in using the theme considering 1K+ people are using it, IF you use it right.

I'm sorry if you don't agree with what I wrote. Fact is that I installed your theme and my site crashed! Coincidence? I don't think so! You say my site has so many problems, well who says it's not because of the crash? I don't know, I can only write what I see and I don't need you to tell me what or how to write it! I've put the error that I received in the post, to be as clear as I can.

Now I have one 'productive' question for you. What did I do wrong? I installed your theme via PIWIGO and that's it! Can't do much wrong that way, can I? So don't accuse me for not using it the right way.




#49 2014-11-06 22:35:54

Serge D

Re: [Theme] GreyDragon Theme

Pat2309 wrote:

I'm sorry if you don't agree with what I wrote.

I do not agree or disagree, but I go by what I see. when I visit your site and look at debug window I do see number of errors indicating structure of the page broken in several places.

ex: Site's root : <span style="color: #ffffff;"><strong>Foto's genomen in 2014<br>Photos taken in 2014</span></strong> - <strong> and <span> mixed up.

This is not good and *may* cause additional problems.

Pat2309 wrote:

Fact is that I installed your theme and my site crashed! Coincidence? I don't think so!

As it was identified there is a compatibility problem with ContactForms plugin which would be looked into. Coincidence? may be. it is impossible to test against thousands of permutations of plugin configurations, so it would be addressed one at the time when identified. I can help you in that situation, or can let you be. I offered help.

Pat2309 wrote:

I can only write what I see and I don't need you to tell me what or how to write it! I've put the error that I received in the post, to be as clear as I can.

yes, again. if you seek help, I can attempt to help you. if you are not otherwise interested in it, then discussion is moot

Pat2309 wrote:

Now I have one 'productive' question for you. What did I do wrong?

I do not think you did anything wrong and it should have worked out of the box. Because of plugin incompatibility, you run into an unforeseeable issue and it is unfortunate and I will be looking into it shortly.

PS: what probably is advisable is to have staging environment when you test new things on existing setup. There is also "Admin Tools" plugin which I find to be very handy as it allows you to test the new theme without permanently changing your current theme.



#50 2014-11-06 22:44:49

Leopoldsburg, Belgium

Re: [Theme] GreyDragon Theme

Serge D wrote:

ex: Site's root : <span style="color: #ffffff;"><strong>Foto's genomen in 2014<br>Photos taken in 2014</span></strong> - <strong> and <span> mixed up.

This is not good and *may* cause additional problems.

I do not think you did anything wrong and it should have worked out of the box. Because of plugin incompatibility, you run into an unforeseeable issue and it is unfortunate and I will be looking into it shortly.

PS: what probably is advisable is to have staging environment when you test new things on existing setup. There is also "Admin Tools" plugin which I find to be very handy as it allows you to test the new theme without permanently changing your current theme.


thanks for your advice. I'll have a look into these problems. I do understand you can not foresee every problem and I surely do not blame you for that. I'm already gratefull people like you are helping others with creating themes etc.

You're absolutely right about that staging environment and that's the first thing I will create. I just can't afford to loose all the photos that are in my gallery. Too many people know the links, since I often work for events (for free).

I already use 'Admin Tools', but in this case I wasn't even able to use it. Problems were already there before I could switch themes.

I hope in the future we can have conversations like this one.





#51 2014-11-06 22:55:58

Serge D

Re: [Theme] GreyDragon Theme

Glad we resolved our small misunderstanding.

I have installed ContactForm plugin and enabled it, no changes to settings were made except I simply saved them again. You can see it working fine on my site (http://photo.dragonsoft.us). I do not see any errors, so there is something deeper here.
I did make a small fix in CSS for next release to make form look better, but this would not have caused the issue on your end.

If I may ask, what other plugins you are running or any specific settings for CF plugin you have set differently from default?

Edit: There is one thing for your site which is different, you have it installed in subfolder. I have seen some people experiencing issue in such setup in the past, but I think it was addressed. I will attempt to install Piwigo in subfolder on my end to see if there is still some lingering issue there.

Last edited by Serge D (2014-11-06 22:58:56)



#52 2014-11-06 23:03:05

Leopoldsburg, Belgium

Re: [Theme] GreyDragon Theme

Serge D wrote:

Glad we resolved our small misunderstanding.

I have installed ContactForm plugin and enabled it, no changes to settings were made except I simply saved them again. You can see it working fine on my site (http://photo.dragonsoft.us). I do not see any errors, so there is something deeper here.
I did make a small fix in CSS for next release to make form look better, but this would not have caused the issue on your end.

If I may ask, what other plugins you are running or any specific settings for CF plugin you have set differently from default?

Edit: There is one thing for your site which is different, you have it installed in subfolder. I have seen some people experiencing issue in such setup in the past, but I think it was addressed. I will attempt to install Piwigo in subfolder on my end to see if there is still some lingering issue there.

I haven't any specific settings for CF.

I'm using many plugins running. I've made a screenshot so you can see which are running.

Thanks again

ps. I will have to go now. Taking a trip to Croatia, so I will not be able to answer for the next days.

Last edited by Pat2309 (2014-11-06 23:05:06)



#53 2014-11-14 05:23:33

Serge D

Re: [Theme] GreyDragon Theme

version 1.0.14

+ Hiding of photo counters extended to category menu
+ Infos, Warnings and Errors message area moved into popup overlay. For Infos and Warnings message would be removed after 8 seconds. "Errors" is closed on click.
+ ADMIN: Photo Metadata display mode can be switched between tabs with text/icon expanded or collapsed, text/icon with overlay, or hidden
+ ADMIN: Added ChangeLog link in toolbar
- ContactForm plugin: Fixed form styles to make page better aligned
- ADMIN: Fixed issue when under some conditions config info could become corrupted
- Deprecated events to populate page header - code moved into header template
- Fixed missing div in photo page
- Page layout HTML 5 validation of photo page



#54 2014-11-14 15:01:11


Re: [Theme] GreyDragon Theme

Serge D, nice updates.
But the paypal option is gone?
It was below the picture.

hr_os_xl theme

In Greydragon
And Its not in the tabs...



#55 2014-11-14 18:56:03

Serge D

Re: [Theme] GreyDragon Theme

not sure how it is inserted
how do you add it into the page?

Last edited by Serge D (2014-11-14 18:56:33)



#56 2014-11-14 19:48:21


Re: [Theme] GreyDragon Theme

its the PayPal Shopping Cart extension.
al what i did change was ad to cart and vieuw shopping cart text by a image.



#57 2014-11-14 20:02:38

Serge D

Re: [Theme] GreyDragon Theme

I do see <table> element with paypal inserted just below the image along with eCard
what modules do you use to accomplish this?

There were changes in how metadata tabs are built and I want to make sure it is compatible



#58 2014-11-14 20:34:31


Re: [Theme] GreyDragon Theme

Pfiew now you ask me something.
i have the hr_os_xl as standard theme (what i have tweaked to what i want.
And GreyDragon as option for members (What I have not yet :(

But the paypal extension i have installed and that was it.
i dident change anything, exept ad to cart and view shopping cart text by a image



#59 2014-11-14 20:58:04


Re: [Theme] GreyDragon Theme


   <td class="label"><a href=http://sportplaatje.nl/index.php?/page/achteraf_betalen target= blank><img src=http://sportplaatje.nl/vhe-icoon-winkelwagen-zwart.png TITLE="Klik voor meer info!"> </td>
    <form name="ppppp_form" target="paypal" action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" onSubmit="javascript:pppppValid()">
     <input type="hidden" name="add" value="1">
     <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_cart">
     <input type="hidden" name="business" value="xxx@xxxxx.xx">
     <input type="hidden" name="item_name">
     <input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="2"><!-- shipping address mandatory -->
   <input type="hidden" name="handling_cart" value="0"> 
     <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="EUR">
     <select name="amount">
          <option value="1">New Zeven Hills / Zaterdag 4-Okt 2014 alle fotos : 1 EUR</option>
          <option value="1">DMX shootout   Zondag 19 Oktober 2014 alle fotos : 1 EUR</option>
          <option value="1">New Zeven Hills / Zaterdag 1-Nov 2014 alle fotos : 1 EUR</option>
        <input type="image" src="http://www.sportplaatje.nl/btn_buynow_LG.gif" TITLE="Opend de beveiligde https url van Paypal">
    <form target="paypal" action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">
     <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_cart">
     <input type="hidden" name="business" value="xxxx@xxxx.xx">
     <input type="hidden" name="display" value="1">
     <input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="2">
     &nbsp;<input type="image" src="http://www.sportplaatje.nl/btn_cart_LG.gif" TITLE="Bekijk de inhoud van uw winkelwagentje">
 <script type="text/javascript">
 function pppppValid(){
  var amount=document.ppppp_form.amount;
  var selectedAmount=amount[amount.selectedIndex];
  document.ppppp_form.item_name.value="Photo \"MR9W2683 copy\", Ref MR9W2683 copy.jpg, formaat :  "+selectedAmount.text;

What i changed is.


<td class="label"><a href=http://sportplaatje.nl/index.php?/page/achteraf_betalen target= blank><img src=http://sportplaatje.nl/vhe-icoon-winkelwagen-zwart.png TITLE="Klik voor meer info!"> </td>



<input type="image" src="http://www.sportplaatje.nl/btn_buynow_LG.gif" TITLE="Opend de beveiligde https url van Paypal">


<input type="image" src="http://www.sportplaatje.nl/btn_cart_LG.gif" TITLE="Bekijk de inhoud van uw winkelwagentje">

Hope this helps or give some clearity.

i now the qoutes are missing in my links (a href=http://sportplaatje.nl/index.php?/page/achteraf_betalen target= blank), but thats the only way it will work

Last edited by sport (2014-11-14 21:05:09)



#60 2014-11-15 20:37:51

Serge D

Re: [Theme] GreyDragon Theme

issue is not with your code but how PayPal plugin tries to incorporate itself into the page
there are a lot of assumptions made by author on how page *template* is structured
instead of making insertion based on generic smarty tags used in the potential page template there is a search and replace for isset($COMMENT_IMG) for example and placing all the code in that place
for the theme, paypal would appear if you do use "icons with overlay" mode only because it would be first occurrence of the pattern
for once, trying relay on the placement if element is problematic as, for example in this case paypal code is breaking structure of <ul> element.
I need to discuss it with Pierrick before I will try to fix it


  •  » Themes
  •  » [Theme] GreyDragon Theme

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