What do you call import/export ?
export/import the database and upload the files
Effectively, it's a solution...
just I thought it was from picasa web, you wished to get back your pictures etc but here it's from picasa on your computer and you probably want to export from it not only once ; so my solution is very heavy and will be problematic if you do that a second time... hmmm you might try another hoster (pay only per month)
@kenl the lightroom plugins for piwigo can use chunck uplaods ; you propably should go that way too
I was thinking exactly at the chunck function ! (chunck of 1Mo, it will be the best ^^)
And I'm agree, import/export database and all the files each time will be VERY heavy ^^
EDIT: I've found the some code of the function Chunck on the Piwigo website, just in case of.
http://piwigo.org/doc/doku.php?id=dev:w … images.add
I known I ask you a lot of things KenL from two weeks. But your tool is the only where is so simple and efficient in my workflow. Thanks for your time.
Last edited by TiboTheGentleman (2014-11-06 11:25:48)
Hello Thiabult,
I will work on using AddChunk instead of AddSimple but it will not be a quick change. In the mean time, if anyone can share an example of using AddChunk in C#it would be very helpful.
Of course, it's a major change in your upload system.
I know... But this system with a field to change the size of chunck, it will be awesome...
I search if anyone in my side can convert the script in the link into C# langage...
you could ask to the dev of the Lightroom extensions (alloyphoto from memory, hi is registred on this forum)
I come back, for an another issue (or not ?).When I add an album, it don't respect the sort.
It always add the album in first in the Parent album. Is it normal ?
It's coming from the tool, or from Piwigo Web Service ?
please one issue per thread
that's subtile: pictures order are saved per album and globally as a default value, but album is applied just once and not saved
OK so it's normal to create a new album in first.
Hello Thiabult,
After you add 1 or more albums go to the administration/manage albums page and use "apply automatic sort order"
Thanks KenL, I've already done that several time.
I just believe the sorting param was conserve when I add an album, but effectively, when I add an album via the administration panel, the album is in first position.
My apologies.
Hi everybody !
KenL, you can stop your developpment, I've already done it :p
I can't ask you for a lot of things everyday. So, I've take on me to make my own soft.
And it's done.
A lot of thing that I think it was necessary.
Now there is the question of : it's still necessary to have 2 applications to do the same thing ?
I've already contact Pierre Legall to present my work.
I'm waiting if it's good or not.
Some features :
-bypass limit of 120 pictures per album to upload
-Add picture by chunk (not addsimple)
-Read the Picasa database (can upload a list of album !)
-No more doublon in the Piwigo gallery (upload/link/no upload)
-Automatic permission system with keyword (grand group/user when specific facetag/keyword)
-Read XMP/IPTC data
Th only constraint is that I need to read the Picasa database at each launch, but it's take less than 15 secondes... Negligible :p
I've not find a name for it, for the moment :)
EDIT : What do think about "Picture2Piwigo²"
Last edited by TiboTheGentleman (2014-12-08 22:50:52)
Hello Thiabult,
Well, mixed feelings I suppose but, cool! I look forward to trying it out.