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  •  » GreyDragon and Admin Tools : Errors when Activating and make Standard

#1 2015-01-20 12:05:06

Kees Hessels
Translation Team

GreyDragon and Admin Tools : Errors when Activating and make Standard


When i Activate the GreyDragon theme and make it Standard, i get the folowing errors:

Warning: filemtime() [function.filemtime]: stat failed for ./themes/greydragon/css/colorpack//styles.css in /home/deb33379/domains/kasteelschaesberg.info/public_html/pwgo/include/template.class.php on line 1894

Warning: file_get_contents(./themes/greydragon/css/colorpack//styles.css) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/deb33379/domains/kasteelschaesberg.info/public_html/pwgo/include/template.class.php on line 1990

And when i Deactivate the GreyDragon theme and make another Standard, i get the error:

Warning: filemtime() [function.filemtime]: stat failed for ./themes/greydragon/css/colorpack//styles.css in /home/deb33379/domains/kasteelschaesberg.info/public_html/pwgo/include/template.class.php on line 1894

When i uninstall plugin Admin Tools, all seems ok.

Can someone help?

Piwigo version: Latest
PHP version: Where can i find
MySQL version: Where can i find
Piwigo URL: http://kasteelschaesberg.info/pwgo

Last edited by Kees Hessels (2015-01-20 12:21:07)



#2 2015-01-20 18:13:17

Piwigo Team

Re: GreyDragon and Admin Tools : Errors when Activating and make Standard

Directory permissions issue maybe?

Last edited by jnashpiwigo (2015-01-20 18:13:51)



#3 2015-01-20 18:14:15

Kees Hessels
Translation Team

Re: GreyDragon and Admin Tools : Errors when Activating and make Standard

Deactivated and uninstalled GreyDragon. Activated and stadardized theme Elegant, activated plugin Admin Tools.
Restarted the computer.
No problems!
Installed GreyDragon. No problem.
Activated Greydragon. No problem.
Standardized GreyDragon. No problem. But NO GreyDragon theme on the gallery-page.
If i select, with Tools, the GreyDragon theme (because it "says" no theme is selected) the gallery-page gives the errors:

Warning: filemtime() [function.filemtime]: stat failed for ./themes/greydragon/css/colorpack//styles.css in /home/deb33379/domains/kasteelschaesberg.info/public_html/pwgo/include/template.class.php on line 1894

Warning: file_get_contents(./themes/greydragon/css/colorpack//styles.css) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/deb33379/domains/kasteelschaesberg.info/public_html/pwgo/include/template.class.php on line 1990



#4 2015-01-20 18:16:41

Kees Hessels
Translation Team

Re: GreyDragon and Admin Tools : Errors when Activating and make Standard


I installed Piwigo with Installatron.
Which directory i have to look at? What the permission should be?



#5 2015-01-20 18:22:20

Kees Hessels
Translation Team

Re: GreyDragon and Admin Tools : Errors when Activating and make Standard

After standardizing theme Elegant, deactivating and uninstalling GreyDragon and going to my gallery, i get the errors:
Warning: include(/themeconf.inc.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/deb33379/domains/kasteelschaesberg.info/public_html/pwgo/include/template.class.php on line 1156

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/themeconf.inc.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/opt/alt/php53/usr/share/pear:/opt/alt/php53/usr/share/php') in /home/deb33379/domains/kasteelschaesberg.info/public_html/pwgo/include/template.class.php on line 1156

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'SmartyException' with message 'Unable to load template file 'menubar.tpl'' in /home/deb33379/domains/kasteelschaesberg.info/public_html/pwgo/include/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php:127 Stack trace: #0 /home/deb33379/domains/kasteelschaesberg.info/public_html/pwgo/include/template.class.php(484): Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch('menubar.tpl') #1 /home/deb33379/domains/kasteelschaesberg.info/public_html/pwgo/include/template.class.php(407): Template->parse('menubar', true) #2 /home/deb33379/domains/kasteelschaesberg.info/public_html/pwgo/include/block.class.php(205): Template->assign_var_from_handle('MENUBAR', 'menubar') #3 /home/deb33379/domains/kasteelschaesberg.info/public_html/pwgo/include/menubar.inc.php(337): BlockManager->apply('MENUBAR', 'menubar.tpl') #4 /home/deb33379/domains/kasteelschaesberg.info/public_html/pwgo/include/menubar.inc.php(30): initialize_menu() #5 /home/deb33379/domains/kasteelschaesberg.info/public_html/pwgo/index.php(120): include('/ho in /home/deb33379/domains/kasteelschaesberg.info/public_html/pwgo/include/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php on line 127

Selecting another theme doesnot change this situation..



#6 2015-01-21 04:38:13

Serge D

Re: GreyDragon and Admin Tools : Errors when Activating and make Standard

ok, from the beginning

I am not sure what you mean by standardizing

in your original report path themes/greydragon/css/colorpack//styles.css is suspicious as there is a missing part between colorpack/ and /styles.css
does colorpack folder has any subfolders? there should be 4 folders with default colorpacks - Blackhawk, greydragon, slateblue and whitehawk
is folder content is dynamic, i.e. theme allows to add more colorpacks there, if it is empty it would cause css location not to resolve

not having proper permission allowing theme's core code see folder content may cause the same behavior

In general, chmod 755 should be ok, but if you want to lock it down, you at least should allow read rights for owner, i.e. who uploaded files to your file system

when you uninstalled the theme, did you make another theme active? system may not find any theme and therefore is now confused



#7 2015-01-21 09:29:10

Kees Hessels
Translation Team

Re: GreyDragon and Admin Tools : Errors when Activating and make Standard

Everything is ok, as you described.
Standardizing theme : make active and select to use as standard theme
The four directories are there : Blackhawk, greydragon, slateblue and whitehawk
Permissions for all the (GreyDragon) directories is 755, for files 644.
I did make another theme active.

After restarting (again) my computer, everything worked normal.
When i installed GreyDragon (again) and made it active. All ok.
When i selected GreyDragon as (standard) theme, i get the errors:

Warning: filemtime() [function.filemtime]: stat failed for ./themes/greydragon/css/colorpack//styles.css in /home/deb33379/domains/kasteelschaesberg.info/public_html/pwgo/include/template.class.php on line 1894

Again something missing something between colorpack/ and /styles.css
Checked: the four directories are there (permission 755). And each has one subdirectory Images (permission 755).

What can cause the missing part between colorpack/ and /styles.css ?



#8 2015-01-21 18:31:00

Serge D

Re: GreyDragon and Admin Tools : Errors when Activating and make Standard

as a test could you make files in colorpacks folders also 755 and see if it helps?



#9 2015-01-21 19:06:00

Kees Hessels
Translation Team

Re: GreyDragon and Admin Tools : Errors when Activating and make Standard

Changed all four styles.css to 755.
Same error after activating GreyDragon theme. ;-)



#10 2015-01-21 19:31:46

Serge D

Re: GreyDragon and Admin Tools : Errors when Activating and make Standard

Kees Hessels wrote:

Changed all four styles.css to 755.
Same error after activating GreyDragon theme. ;-)

have no idea, sorry
will keep looking, may be someone else has and idea



#11 2015-01-22 01:48:47

Kees Hessels
Translation Team

Re: GreyDragon and Admin Tools : Errors when Activating and make Standard

I did two things:
1 Did change colorpack, and
2 Saved Configuration of GreyDragon theme (did not do that before!)
and it works!!!!
Do not know what did the trick, but i think it is the saving of the configuration.
(i see 2014-10-14 01:10:23 kaillou38 had the same problem)



#12 2015-01-22 01:56:31

Serge D

Re: GreyDragon and Admin Tools : Errors when Activating and make Standard

interesting, you should not be required to save as theme works against default values
thank you for additional information. I will try and see if anything may be breaking in that area



#13 2015-02-19 21:30:08

Andreas J

Re: GreyDragon and Admin Tools : Errors when Activating and make Standard

I just installed Piwigo and trying the GreyDragon theme for the first time I got this error:

Warning: filemtime() [function.filemtime]: stat failed for ./themes/greydragon/css/colorpack//styles.css in /home/lagaskif/public_html/album/include/template.class.php on line 1894

But I tried the solution suggested above, and clicked on the configuration link under the theme name, and there I just saved the configuration. And the error is gone!

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  •  » GreyDragon and Admin Tools : Errors when Activating and make Standard

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