Presumably, something I did changed the way Piwigo was working for my photo gallery. I used to be able to log into a user member's account and log back out and no extra Albums were created. Now, when I log into a user account, an Album with the same name as the user is created. It contains no photos. Since I already had an Album with the same name as the user, when I try to upload a photo, I am given a choice of two Albums for uploading photos. Both Albums have the same name, but they are different and show up as an album for that user. What can I do to keep from creating a new Album when a User logs in? Note that it only creates one new Album per user. Subsequent logins do not create additional Albums, but if I delete the extra Album, it gets recreated at that next User's Login.
Thank you
Piwigo 2.7.4
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 5.2.17 (Show info) [2015-11-09 15:28:50]
MySQL: 5.6.23-log [2015-11-09 15:28:50]
Graphics Library: External ImageMagick 6.2.8
1087 photos (first photo added on Tuesday 20 August 2013)
46 albums including 0 physical and 46 virtual (445 associations)
0 tags (0 associations)
32 users
1 group
8 rates
It looks like you created your own problem by checking a box in the Configuration tab of the Community plugin. The box and associated text says:
(checkbox) User albums : Piwigo automatically creates an album for each user, on first connection
With that box checked, a new Album was created even though you had a Community plugin permission set to open an existing Album with the same name as the user account. Hence, the doubled Album name once you logged into the user account.
To solve the problem, you need to uncheck the box on the configuration page and delete the extra (empty) albums that were accidentally created.
Your main problem is not being completely familiar with the options you are using. It takes a while to understand how your gallery should be organized. That's difficult because all of the galleries can be designed with different options, so it would be difficult to create a document that explains everything to everyone.
A "users" document for each plugin might be a helpful tool.
a Piwigo dummy