I installed and activated the plugin "user delete photo" (UDP) but don't see any change in my gallery. I suspect my problem is ignorance. Is there something I must do besides install the plugin? Is help available for individual plugins? And what does the UPD Configuration page "Add information before" refer to?
Thank you
Plugins activated are:
Admin Tools
Edit Filename
LocalFiles Editor
User delete photo
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Piwigo version
Piwigo 2.7.4
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 5.2.17 (Show info) [2015-11-08 19:47:50]
MySQL: 5.6.23-log [2015-11-08 19:47:50]
Graphics Library: External ImageMagick 6.2.8
1085 photos (first photo added on Tuesday 20 August 2013)
47 albums including 0 physical and 47 virtual (443 associations)
0 tags (0 associations)
31 users
1 group
8 rates
Yes, your problem was ignorance. You didn't know when or how the "delete photo" option would appear. Once you installed and activated the plugin, it was working fine - you just didn't know it.
To delete a photo, you login as a user (John Doe), choose a particular photo in John Doe's album by clicking (displaying) that photo. Only when the photo is displayed does the "delete photo" option magically appear at the top of the window.
The user also has to have permission to access the Album through the Community Plugin.
It might be useful for PlugIn developers to create a short document that tells how their plugin will actually work when installed. I think some of them do, but not all of them. If this user had found one for the Wonderfully Useful "User Delete Photo" plugin, it would have saved him many hours of ignorance and anguish.
Thank you for two great plugins.
a Piwigo dummy
Hi :-)
sorry I don't see your post
Thank you for the above description
Hi again,
What does the UPD Configuration page "Add information before" refer to?
CCOR wrote:
What does the UPD Configuration page "Add information before" refer to?
Hi :-)
You can move link delete before different information
Thank you.
You might consider...
There's plenty of room on the configuration page to include a short description of what the checkbox is for, which would clarify things a bit.
But, thank you for the replies and information. And especially thank you for the plugin itself. We are now ready to unleash the users on the gallery.
Hi :-)
Now a lot of people use Admin tool for this ;-)
Hmm... The Admin tool... I just went through a lot of the help files and the Tours. They're very helpful. I'll make sure my apprentice goes through them too. Again, Thank You.
I still haven't resolved this issue. It now seems that my users can delete Some photos, but not Others. When I click on some of the photos, I get the gray line at the top of the window that says "X Edit Delete photo", but on others in the same album, I do not get that gray line at the top.
Other "users" also have the same problem.
When I bring up Administration / Plugins / user delete photo
I see "Add information before" with a box beneath it and several options. But, I don't understand what the options do. The "User Delete Photo" option does not seem to appear for the user (before or after) any of the option items in the list. For that matter, I do not know where the following things appear to the user:
Created on
Posted on
Rating Score.
I also read the message : "Now a lot of people use Admin tool for this ;-)" and went to the Admin plugin, and have checked both "Open toolbar by default" and "Give access to quick edit to photo owners even if they are not admin"
How do I give all users the ability to delete their own photos? (They only have access to their own Album)
Thank you.
Hi :-)
2 solutions
a) you choise a information exemple 'album' present on all photo, delete photo will appear before album name
b) activate [extension by ddtddt] Manage Properties Photos
you choise where delete user appear in this plugin
Thank you for your help.
I may now have the right question to ask.
The plugin "User Delete Photo" has been working for some time.
The Delete function of the Admin Tools plugin works for me too.
For each user account we create (example: User "John Doe") we also create one Album of the same name. (example: Album "John Doe").
We have restricted upload access for John Doe to the Album with the same name.
"Admins" needs to upload photos to John Doe's Album and once they are uploaded,
John Doe needs to be able to Delete those photos if he desires.
Photos seem to be "owned" by the user that uploads them.
How does Admins upload photos to John Doe's Album so that John Doe can
delete those same photos?
CCOR wrote:
How does Admins upload photos to John Doe's Album so that John Doe can
delete those same photos?
Hi :-)
change who added photo with [extension by ddtddt] Change who added photo
Oh! What a relief!
I haven't tried it, but it sounds exactly like what I need.
Thank you so much. I have spent days trying to understand this problem.
You're a Gentleman and Scholar! (unless you're a lady :^)