First I want to thank the creators of this. I love it. I have been a Gallery user since it was created but looking for something better and I think I have found it. Thank you!
Some of the things I like:
- Easy to create the site. (one click install on dreamhost, rsync the files, synchronize, done! almost...)
- I love the OSM plugin. The best integration so far.
- Photosphere!
Here's what I am doing and a few problems still. First I maintain my archive of photos on a synology NAS at home. I maintain that as my master copy of images. I rsync to galleries/ and synchronize manually right now although once I get it working I can automate that.
So far it mostly works but there's a few glitches. Does anyone see something wrong in my approach?
1. Filenames -- I used detox to scrub the filenames so piwigo is happy.
2. rsync and synchronize time -- it takes 6-8 hours to rsync and about the same to synchronize. piwigo times out the browser but I can see the task still running. I think once I get smaller more incremental changes this will be less. I was getting used to rsync at the same time.
3. There's a bug in displaying the original image for most but not all images:
You don't have permission to access /galleries/Quixote/Ayer/SCN_0138.jpg on this server.
Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
I don't see anything different in the file permissions (one idea is I lost galleries/index.php and got it back from github. I might not have the right one?)
4. Image rotations -- This is a problem between the native raster orientation of the file, the metadata for orientation and whatever synology photostation is doing to rotate it. I rotated a bunch there and it displays correctly there but the change doesn't carry through to piwigo. I can sort this eventually but maybe there's a clue on this? I don't want to rotate them on piwigo as I want to fix it in the original image on my NAS.
I will continue to fiddle with it but any help on #3 would be greatly appreciated.
Piwigo 2.8.5
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 5.6.29 (Show info) [2017-01-06 13:44:10]
MySQL: 5.6.25-log [2017-01-06 13:44:10]
Graphics Library: ImageMagick 6.6.9-7
27078 photos (first photo added on Saturday 31 December 2016)
880 albums included 877 physical and 3 virtual (27081 associations)
0 tags (0 associations)
2 users
0 groups
no rating
I Sussed it.
The files had the same permissions but the directories didn't. Dunno how that happened, something in the rsync probably.