I've noticed a problem with my Piwigo gallery for a couple of weeks now. It seems like Piwigo isn't resizing my photos.
Piwigo version: 2.9
PHP version: 5.6
MySQL version:
Piwigo URL: http://mttsmmrssprks.net/photostream/
Photos appear to be uploaded when I use FTP or the photo uploader accessible in the administrator area. However, the resized images aren't being generated. Eg this URL generates a 404 message: http://mttsmmrssprks.net/photostream/_d … 44c-me.jpg
I've worked through the steps here: http://piwigo.org/doc/doku.php?id=user_ … es_missing
...which advise me (section 2, note 1, bullet item iv) that the i.php file is missing and that I should re-upload files to the server. I've done that and still get the same result.
I've also checked to ensure that the folders have the necessary permissions (755).
Any advice on what I can do to make this work?
Thanks, in advance.