I am having problems installing...
I get errors like this at the top of everypage
Using IIS
Notice: Undefined variable: prefixe_include in C:Inetpubwwwrootphotogalleryincludeconfig.inc.php on line 23
Notice: Undefined variable: prefixe_include in C:Inetpubwwwrootphotogalleryincludeconfig.inc.php on line 24
Notice: Undefined index: default_page in C:Inetpubwwwrootphotogalleryincludeconfig.inc.php on line 56
Notice: Undefined variable: isadmin in C:Inetpubwwwrootphotogallerylanguageenglish.php on line 167
I have mysql installed and working fine with other php scripts.
I have sucessfully created a database for phpwebgallery
Anybody know what's happening?
I set global to on and errors to error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
Now the errors are gone. But when I run through the install and create the admin user when I get to the end to login the pw fails.
Have tried reinstalling a few times with the same issue
ok, I see the pb : IIS doesn't accept not declared variables...
It works fine with Apache but I still have this kind of pb with IIS.
1. in include/init.inc.php, insert
$prefixe_include = "";
include_once( "./include/config.inc.php" );
2. in include/init.inc.php, insert
$isadmin = false;
include_once( "./language/".$user['language'].".php" );
3. in config.inc.php, delete the line
$conf['default_page'] = $row['default_page'];
Those modifications are maid for the version 1.2.1 but you can do it by yourself if you don't want to wait for this release.
I set global to on and errors to error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
Now the errors are gone. But when I run through the install and create the admin user when I get to the end to login the pw fails.
Have tried reinstalling a few times with the same issue
can you tell me what happens more precisely ?
It's fixed now, I had two php.ini files on the drive. I was editing the wrong one.
Now everything works, except the the part that makes thumbnails if a user didn't upload them. I tried 1 and 2.x Same problem
Now everything works, except the the part that makes thumbnails if a user didn't upload them. I tried 1 and 2.x Same problem
ok, what is the pb exactly ? Have you gd installed ?
What is GD, I'm new to php. Been running a IIS Webserver for a while now, but just getting into the Scripts. Just installed PHP a few days ago.
to create thumbnails, you need to have a library called GD installed. This is a library for PHP used to handle picture manipulation.
I give you three dll, corresponding to GD version 1, GD version 2 and a version of GD handling Gif format : http://www.z0rglub.com/phpwebgallery/do … php_gd.zip
Doesn't anyone know how to install GD Library?
I'm Running IIS 6.0 w/ PHP Version 4.2.3