being a new member of this forum I will raise my first question.
Is it possible to upload raw images besides jpeg images?
If so, how can I do this or where can I find more info on this?
Kind regards.
Erik Umans.
Piwigo 2.9.4
Besturingssysteem: Linux
PHP: 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.26 (Toon info) [2018-10-25 16:12:19]
MySQL: 5.5.61-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 [2018-10-25 16:12:19]
Afbeeldingen bibliotheek: ImageMagick 6.7.7-10
Piwigo URL: http://umecent.dyndns.org/piwigo/
Yes you can upload raw images besides jpeg ones. But as far as I know you cannot see raw images in a browser.
Anyway to upload raw images, you must change config through local/config/config.inc.php file by adding theses lines if the file already exist :
$conf['picture_ext'] = ['jpg', 'JPG', 'jpeg', 'JPEG', 'png', 'PNG', 'gif', 'GIF', 'rw2', 'RW2']; // my raw files have rw2 extension $conf['upload_form_all_types'] = true;
If the local/config/config.inc.php does not exists you must create it with the following content :
<?php $conf['picture_ext'] = ['jpg', 'JPG', 'jpeg', 'JPEG', 'png', 'PNG', 'gif', 'GIF', 'rw2', 'RW2']; // my raw files have rw2 extension $conf['upload_form_all_types'] = true;
Hope it helps. Tell me if something is not clear enough.
Hi Nicolas,
Thanks for your support.
I applied your changes in my Piwigo configuration. Now I can select raw image files for uploading.
But I can't find the raw files in the upload directory. Are these stored elsewhere?
What I want to achieve is not only uploading raw but linking jpeg and raw.
Thereby using jpeg do represent the picture in piwigo, as by default.
When downloading, I would expect to have a choice to download the original jpeg or raw for editing.
Kind regards.
Erik Umans wrote:
Hi Nicolas,
Thanks for your support.
you're welcome.
Erik Umans wrote:
I applied your changes in my Piwigo configuration. Now I can select raw image files for uploading.
But I can't find the raw files in the upload directory. Are these stored elsewhere?
The raw file is store is the same place (upload/YYYY/MM/DD/md5_file.rw2 for example) as the jpeg file.
Erik Umans wrote:
What I want to achieve is not only uploading raw but linking jpeg and raw.
Thereby using jpeg do represent the picture in piwigo, as by default.
When downloading, I would expect to have a choice to download the original jpeg or raw for editing.
Ok. I understand. I'm afraid you should make a small plugin to do that. Or, you can find one that do the job.