I have a private Piwigo album, and every time i upload (or one of my users) upload photos, the photos don't show up until a browser refresh (F5).
I have added Header add "disablevcache" "true" in the .htaccess on the server i'm hosting Piwigo on, but it isn't helping.
Piwigo version: latest
Theme: Bootstrap Default
PHP version: 7.2
MySQL version: Software: MariaDB
Software version: 10.3.11-MariaDB-1:10.3.11+maria~bionic - mariadb.org binary distribution
it sounds like you have a javsacript issue which prevent the thumbnails to be displayed dynamically
https://piwigo.org/doc/doku.php?id=user … es_missing
Hi and thank you for the reply,
1. I have Javascript enabled as default on the web browser. What the error message is when i right-click and copy the link location of the image that is broken is:
"This site can’t be reached xxx.xxxxxx.xx unexpectedly closed the connection.
Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall
Running Windows Network Diagnostics
2. What i notice in the image URL is that it has added a :80 to the domain, I think is what causes the problem because once i refresh it loads the image and the domain is without the :80
The url of the image is this and it produces the error, but without the :80 it shows up fine.
https://xxxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx:80/_data/i/u … ae8-me.jpg
3. Do i need to call my domain hosting support?
Have a great day.
do you have any .htaccess, any specific server configuration, any local config in Piwigo... ? because it sounds more like a server side issue