#1 2019-09-26 04:33:03


iPhone7 Photos Missing GPS Data After Upload


I am getting inconsistent GPS data behaviour when uploading photos taken with an iPhone7.

Panorama photos work well, the GPS data is recognized.

Non Panorama and Videos do not have the GPS data recognized and in Finder it does appear that the meta data format is slightly different.

Is there a patch or update that addresses this inconsistency?

Thank you,

Piwigo 2.9.5
Operating system: Darwin
PHP: 5.5.38 (Show info) [2019-09-25 22:29:48]
MySQL: 5.6.22 [2019-09-25 22:29:48]
Graphics Library: GD bundled (2.1.0 compatible)



#2 2019-09-28 19:56:11

Piwigo Team
Grenoble, France

Re: iPhone7 Photos Missing GPS Data After Upload

Hi BigSneeze,

Do you upload photos using a browser (which one, which OS…) or with the iOS app (which version)?

Best wishes

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#3 2019-09-28 20:27:06


Re: iPhone7 Photos Missing GPS Data After Upload


If I am using a browser I upload using mainly: Safari 13.01.1
(I can try others if needed), but in my trials I don't think it changes things.

My laptop is running MacOS 10.14.6.

My iOS Piwigo App is version: 2.4.3

I have been running iOS 12.4.1 but will be moving to 13.1.1 soon.



Last edited by BigSneeze (2019-09-28 20:29:54)



#4 2019-09-29 18:47:00

Piwigo Team
Grenoble, France

Re: iPhone7 Photos Missing GPS Data After Upload

Hi Gregg,

Let’s assume that the iOS app may not work as expected. Here is a procedure for checking things:

Can you please check that the Camera app has access to the location in Settings / Privacy / Camera? Then, take a photo with your iPhone and check that it contains location data in the Photos app. As you know, a map is displayed when you scroll the photo up.

Then, can you please check that the Piwigo app does not strip GPS data before uploading in Preferences / Upload? Once this setting checked, upload the image to your Piwigo and check with Safari that location metadata are available.

As you may also transfer images to your Mac using AirDrop before uploading from your Mac, check that the Piwigo app transfers images with private metadata in Preferences / Images / Share Private Metadata. The “Transfer with Airdrop” line should be in the top section of the table. After this check, transfer the photo to your Mac via AirDrop and open it with Preview to check that it contains location metadata.

Finally, because you may also transfer a photo with a copy/paste, please also check that the Copy To Pasteboard line is also in the top section of the table.

All the best,

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#5 2019-09-30 02:12:56


Re: iPhone7 Photos Missing GPS Data After Upload

Thanks again for the debug instructions.

To clarify, Panorama photos work perfectly, while Non Panorama media (photos/videos) do not have the GPS data captured.

So the settings should be set correctly and the files in question contain all GPS data. 

Here is what I have done to perhaps help you 'see' the problem.

1. I have taken 2 photos, one Panorama and one Regular size.
2. I have uploaded both pictures using the iOS App
3. I have uploaded both pictures using Safari
4. I have attached a screenshot of the folder where I uploaded the 4 files
      - 2 photos are shown in the Map
      - you will have to take my word for it that the 2 photos are the Panorama ones and not the regular ones
     - as you can imagine, ideally there should be 4 photos highlighted on the map
5. I have attached the regular size original file I used for the Safari Upload
     - I have checked that the GPS data is still attached
6. I have downloaded the 2 regular size files from my Piwigo server and attached them
     - You will see some naming difference to distinguish between App and Safari uploads
     - I have checked that the GPS data is still attached in all 4 files

I was unable to upload the Panorama photos as they were rejected due to their size

Let me know if there is anything else that you would find useful,

Thanks again


Last edited by BigSneeze (2019-09-30 02:16:27)



#6 2019-09-30 08:45:28

Piwigo Team
Grenoble, France

Re: iPhone7 Photos Missing GPS Data After Upload

Hi Gregg,

Thank you for your tests.
Unfortunately, I am unable to reproduce the issue, with my own iPhone and a simulated iPhone 7. Here is what I did with iOS 13 and a Piwigo server 2.9.5:

1. I have taken 3 photos with the Camera.app: Photo, Portrait and Pano.
2. I have checked with the Photos.app that they all contain GPS metadata.
3. I have then uploaded the 3 photos to my Piwigo server with the Piwigo.app (Strip GPS Metadata option disabled)
4. I have checked successfully with Safari that they all contain GPS metadata on the Piwigo server.

The iOS Piwigo.app uses the same code for preparing the upload of regular and panorama photos. So it is difficult to imagine how it could upload standard and panorama photos differently.

Do you have the possibility to create an account for me for testing the app? If yes, send me the credentials by email using Preferences / Information / Contact Us.


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#7 2019-09-30 17:16:09


Re: iPhone7 Photos Missing GPS Data After Upload

Hi Eddy

My Piwigo is private so I’ll need to look into how I might give you access.

A couple of points from my side in the meantime.

1.  Can you try uploading the pictures I sent to you and see if they appear on the map?

2.  The appearance on the OSM map is the key feature I am looking for.

When I upload the files the coordinates exist within the files in all cases.

However only the Panorama photos appear on the OSM map.

Also in Piwigo if I search for images “Not OSM geotagged” then the regular photos and videos are found and not the Panoramas

Are you able to see yours and my pictures on the OSM?




#8 2019-09-30 18:43:02

Piwigo Team
Grenoble, France

Re: iPhone7 Photos Missing GPS Data After Upload

Hi Gregg,

If the GPS coordinates exist within the files in all cases, that means that the iOS app sends the GPS metadata as expected but that the Piwigo server does not identify them as geotagged items.

As you probably do, I use the OpenStreetMap plugin version 2.9.a and can try uploading your photos to see whether my Piwigo see them as tagged. I do not have access to the photos you attached to your post, probably because they were too large. Can you please send them to me using the ios@piwigo.org email address?


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#9 2019-10-01 00:04:01


Re: iPhone7 Photos Missing GPS Data After Upload

Hi Eddy

Ok offending picture sent.

Panorama was too big to email.




#10 2019-10-13 10:10:50

Piwigo Team
Grenoble, France

Re: iPhone7 Photos Missing GPS Data After Upload

Fixed issue after installing Imagick GPS on the server.

The following post helped: https://piwigo.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=29194


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