I am a new user looking into adopting Piwigo for mainly personal use (family photo/video mix). I have all my files arranged in folders named by the media creation date which it contains.
Q1. What is the most effective and reliable way to upload all files at once?
Q2. I noticed that Piwigo generates video thumbnails when the web upload is used but not when the ftp option is used. Why is this the case?
Q3. Is there a plugin or script to create thumbnails for videos, create the pwg_representative, and place the thumbnails in such folder?
I like the application and thank all whom are supporting this project. Great work!
Piwigo version: 2.1.6
PHP version: 7.0.33
MySQL version: 14.14
Piwigo URL: http://local
I linked my photo storage (~90000 files) to galleries folder, you can use mount --bind on Linux or mklink on Windows. But good to know that I had to sync them folder by folder as php 7.3, mariadb 5 or something else stuck tight on big number of files.
Might be a better idea to first select the best 800 of those photos and videos, since nobody is ever going to see that amount of images…
Q3. Is there a plugin or script to create thumbnails for videos, create the pwg_representative, and place the thumbnails in such folder?
piwigo-videojs plugin at https://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=610
script will convert .mp4 files to .jpg and move them to a new folder
runconvert.sh and this script will need to be in the "galleries" folder
runconvert.sh will call this script. It will then copy this script to your subfolders and run itself there.
in the subfolder it checks for a pwg_representative folder, it it's not there it creates it.
it they are files that don't have a corresponding .jpg in the pwg_representative folder, then the file will be processed by ffmpeg.
added various variables and cleanup tasks
all logging will be done in the "galleries" folder by the runconvert.sh script. The logfile is called "convert2jpg.log"