I have a fresh successful install and it is up and running, but when a user logs in they have no option to add their own albums or add photos.
I am new to this but I believe this is all configured correctly. Any help is appreciated.
Piwigo 2.10.2 Check for upgrade
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 7.0.33 (Show info) [2020-12-09 01:01:32]
MySQL: 5.5.5-10.2.36-MariaDB-log [2020-12-08 20:01:32]
Graphics Library: External ImageMagick 6.7.2-7
Piwigo URL: http://mycampingpictures.parkitforyou.com
HI :-)
Have you test [extension by plg] Community ?
Hi All, I have now enabled the Community Plugin and this has answered my question. Thanks for the simple answer and for putting up with me being a new user.
Hi All,
I have a related question regarding users creating their own Albums, and their visibility to other users.
User Setup:
Users Status: User
Users Groups: Campers
Now when I setup the users, I created the users to all be a member of the "Campers" group, and made their Group Permissions to be "Authorized". This to me means that each user that uploads pictures and create albums can all see each others pictures and albums.
Problem: When a user uploads pictures, but creates an Album first, this all works for the user but no other users can see the new album or new pictures until the Admin goes in and updates the permissions.
One would think that a users permissions would be adopted from the album that they are creating a new album inside of. This should be the way, but it does not work that way. So for my 4 users, each time they add a new album inside their initial album, admin has to go in and change the permissions so that all members in the "Camping" group can see them.
Am I missing something here? Would it be a great feature to have a permissions pulldown so that the user can choose who can see the albums and pictures that they create?
Any insight or help is appreciated here.
Piwigo 2.10.2
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 7.0.33 (Show info) [2020-12-11 13:17:17]
MySQL: 5.5.5-10.2.36-MariaDB-log [2020-12-11 08:17:17]
Graphics Library: External ImageMagick 6.7.2-7