This is outside of Piwigo, but maybe somebody knows an easy answer.
Is there a such thing as a PHP script that will connect to a MySQL DB on a remote server, and duplicate the contents to a local DB?
Please and thanks.
executive wrote:
Is there a such thing as a PHP script that will connect to a MySQL DB on a remote server, and duplicate the contents to a local DB?
I supposed you are on a shared hosting provider. For security reason, you can not connect remotly on a database server on a shared hosting provider. But your provider probably give you a way to make dump of your database and download them.
The remote access is already established. (and by the way, not a problem on shared hosting)
All I'm looking for is a script that can duplicate a database.
Adminer is able to copy remote-to-remote but not remote-to-local.
If it doesn't have to be PHP, how about this
mysqldump -u remoteuser -p remotepass -h databasename | mysql -u localuser -p localpass databasename
Note that it exposes passwords on the command line, which is visible in a process listing.
<?php exec("mysqldump -u remoteuser -p remotepass -h databasename | mysql -u localuser -p localpass databasename"); ?>
Last edited by jnashpiwigo (2021-01-26 19:33:38)
I found one on the net that might do it.
mysqli_select_db($dblink1,'db1'); // select database 1 $dblink2=mysqli_connect('', 'root', ''); // connect server 2 mysqli_select_db($dblink2,'db2'); // select database 2 $result = (mysqli_query($dblink1,"SHOW TABLES ")); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($result)) { $tables[] = $row[0]; } echo "Searching Table: ".$tables[0] ."<br>"; foreach ($tables as $i => $table){ $val = mysqli_query($dblink2,"select 1 from $table "); if($val !== FALSE) /***** table exists */ { $structure1= get_colums($dblink1, $table); $structure2= get_colums($dblink2, $table); compare_colums($dblink1,$dblink2, $structure1, $structure2, $table ); $result = mysqli_query($dblink1,"SELECT * FROM $table "); // select all content echo $table." Updating table.... "."<br>"; $rowcount=mysqli_num_rows($result); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC) ) { $update_string = update_query_format($row ); mysqli_query($dblink2,"INSERT INTO $table (".implode(", ",array_keys($row)).") VALUES ('".implode("', '",array_values($row))."') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE $update_string "); // insert one row into new table } echo $table." Updating table Completed.... total updated: $rowcount"."<br><br><br>"; } else { /**** table not exists */ echo $table." Table not found "."<br>"; echo $table." Creating table... "."<br>"; $tableinfo = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($dblink1,"SHOW CREATE TABLE $table ")); // get structure from table on server 1 mysqli_query($dblink2," $tableinfo[1] "); // use found structure to make table on server 2 $result = mysqli_query($dblink1,"SELECT * FROM $table "); // select all content echo $table." Copying table.... "."<br><br><br>"; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC) ) { mysqli_query($dblink2,"INSERT INTO $table (".implode(", ",array_keys($row)).") VALUES ('".implode("', '",array_values($row))."')"); // insert one row into new table } } } mysqli_close($dblink1); mysqli_close($dblink2); function compare_structure($table, $dblink1 , $dblink2){ /*** Check if table exists */ $val = mysqli_query($dblink2,"select 1 from $table "); if($val !== FALSE) /***** table exists */ { $structure1= get_colums($dblink1, $table); $structure2= get_colums($dblink2, $table); compare_colums($dblink1,$dblink2, $structure1, $structure2, $table ); $result = mysqli_query($dblink1,"SELECT * FROM $table "); // select all content echo $table." Updating table.... "."<br>"; $rowcount=mysqli_num_rows($result); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC) ) { $update_string = update_query_format($row ); mysqli_query($dblink2,"INSERT INTO $table (".implode(", ",array_keys($row)).") VALUES ('".implode("', '",array_values($row))."') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE $update_string "); // insert one row into new table } echo $table." Updating table Completed.... total updated: $rowcount"."<br><br><br>"; } else { /**** table not exists */ echo $table." Table not found "."<br>"; echo $table." Creating table... "."<br>"; $tableinfo = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($dblink1,"SHOW CREATE TABLE $table ")); // get structure from table on server 1 mysqli_query($dblink2," $tableinfo[1] "); // use found structure to make table on server 2 $result = mysqli_query($dblink1,"SELECT * FROM $table "); // select all content echo $table." Copying table.... "."<br><br><br>"; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC) ) { mysqli_query($dblink2,"INSERT INTO $table (".implode(", ",array_keys($row)).") VALUES ('".implode("', '",array_values($row))."')"); // insert one row into new table } } } function get_colums($dblink, $table){ $result = mysqli_query($dblink,"SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table "); $columns = []; if (!$result) { echo 'Could not run query: ' . mysql_error(); return []; } if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $columns[$row['Field']] = $row['Type']; } } return $columns; } function compare_colums( $dblink1, $dblink2, $structure1, $structure2, $table ){ foreach ($structure2 as $field => $type){ if (!array_key_exists($field,$structure2)){ $result = mysqli_query($dblink2,"ALTER TABLE cus_tbl ADD $field $type NOT NULL "); if ($result){ echo "Table: ". $table." New Field created ".$field. " ". $type. " .... "."<br>"; } } } } function update_query_format($row){ $query_format = ""; foreach ($row as $k => $v){ $query_format .= " ".$k. " = '". $v ."',"; } // echo strlen($query_format);exit; // echo substr($query_format, 0,strlen($query_format)-1); exit; return substr($query_format, 0, strlen($query_format)-1); }