When I activate Open Street Map, I get a pretty floating box (ui on Piwigo admin is getting more and more polished!) saying "an error occurred". (On Plugins / all, I find the box for Open Street Map and click the "activate" slider button.)
And it doesn't activate, so my only option is to try to activate again, which gets the error again. The "settings" icon is grayed out. I've deleted and re-installed Open Street Map, and the same thing continues to happen.
Open Street Map is version 12a, current as of this moment.
Piwigo 12.1.0 Check for upgrade
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 7.4.15 (Show info) [2022-02-22 14:08:52]
MySQL: 8.0.28-0ubuntu0.20.04.3 [2022-02-22 14:08:52]
Graphics Library: ImageMagick 6.9.7-4
Cache size N/A never calculated Refresh
(Dreamhost shared hosting, if anybody cares.)
Piwigo URL: https://fanpa.mnst.org (open street map *fails to acivate*, so nothing using it is visible on the site yet.)
The activation error turns out to be specific to Piwigo 12.1; I hadn't been notified until after I posted (minutes ago) that 12.2 was available, and when I upgraded to 12.2 the activation error on Open Street Map went away.
I haven't yet gotten it configured and in use, and I may yet have trouble there :-), but the basic activation step is working.
Should be fixed in 12.2
Last edited by gueba (2022-02-23 15:06:39)
Once I got through activation, it worked fine.
Well; the way it interacts with my theme isn't wonderful, but I know at least some of the ways to mess with themes, and there are other themes if it comes to that, I haven't customized this one heavily so there isn't a big investment to lose.
The OpenStreetMap config gives me left and right sidebar options, but what actually happens with the Modus theme is that the map appears *above* the thumbnails, and it's the full width of the page. It was a bit startling but I'm not sure it's actually bad, and I haven't played around trying to change it yet.