Hello everyone!
I'm setting up Piwigo for my photo club. I was able to deploy Piwgo + Community + a few plugins + Darkroom theme. My test user can upload pics, good!
However, I was not able to allow members to modify pictures (theirs, ideally). I came across Icy Picture Modify which seems to do the trick but... it can't be installed because my Piwigo says it's not compatible with my version.
Is there another way to achieve that?
I don't want to grant backend access, since 1) I'd rather have my users work on the frontend and 2) it seems having access to photos grants access to users/gallery config. Unless I'm mistaken?
Piwigo 12.2.0
Système d'exploitation: Linux
PHP: 7.4.28
MySQL: 5.5.5-10.3.34-MariaDB [2022-03-11 22:00:20]
Bibliothèque graphique: External ImageMagick 6.9.10-68
Taille du cache 35.26 Mo calculé il y a 1 semaine
Hi all,
Replying to oneself may feel a bit schyzophrenic, but I hope this will help other gallery admins :)
Icy Picture Modifier seems completely dead: no post/update for at least 10 years.
However, the "Admin tools" plugin shows an "edit" button on the top left of the screen that brings a "quick edit" popup. It allows users to edit the title, author, description and tags of a picture.
That does the job, although it would better if that link was placed in a more prominent & intuitive place.
Happy gallering folks!