Before doing the migration on the production platform, I've done it on a test platform with a small subset of albums/photos. Both are Rapsberry Pi 4 with bulleye OS (11).
The migration was Ok. Now I have to do it on the production platform.
However :
I noticed two "not critical bugs"
- on "Tools" > "Maintenance" > "Environment"
This is confusing, it is possible to believe that 13.1 was installed 5 days ago. That's false
5 days ago was the installation of 12.3
The migration has been done today
- on "Dashboard" > "Storage Used"
The information is incomplete, and it was the same with 12.3 version.
only the size of albums and photos is indicated,
The size taken by all thumbtail generated is not displayed.
On the production platform, this is not insignificant, oeverall 30% ....
du -sm galleries/
109891 galleries/
du -sm _data/i/
33961 _data/i/
one other bug or not:
I selected the "english US" language but there is no effect.
I logon then login again, nothing changes
What is wrong?
See the three screeshots:
Thank you
Phil35 wrote:
- on "Tools" > "Maintenance" > "Environment"
This is confusing, it is possible to believe that 13.1 was installed 5 days ago. That's false
5 days ago was the installation of 12.3
The migration has been done today
Shown is the first installation of Piwigo.
- on "Dashboard" > "Storage Used"
The information is incomplete, and it was the same with 12.3 version.
only the size of albums and photos is indicated,
The size taken by all thumbtail generated is not displayed.
On the production platform, this is not insignificant, oeverall 30% ....
Since 13 the cache size is also displayed, but only the value of the last Tools -> Maintenance, Cache size Refresh (a bit hidden under Purge Cache).
Thank you @erAck for your answers.
- Suggestion:
add the word "initial" and the version number, so it could be
"Initial installation on November10th 2022 with version 12.3"
result: no more question, this is very clear and complete
- "Since 13 the cache size is also displayed, but only the value of the last Tools -> Maintenance, Cache size Refresh (a bit hidden under Purge Cache)."
you're right. Thank you.
it is now written : " Taille du cache 1975.66 Mo calculé à l'instant Rafraîchir "
so in english cache size = 1975.66Mo
However how calculation are done?
# du -sm . (cd to piwigo directory first)
6339 .
# du -sm galleries/
4308 galleries/
# du -sm _data/
1976 _data/
On the graphics: (I can share a screenshot if you want)
Storage used: 5.99 Go
Photos: 3.97 Go
Cache: 2.02 Go
6339/1024 = 6.19Go
4308/1024 = 4.20Go
1976/1024 = 1.92Go
4.20 + 1.92 = 6.12Go
-What about the question on language selection and displayed?
Thank you
Phil35 wrote:
so in english cache size = 1975.66Mo
However how calculation are done?
# du -sm . (cd to piwigo directory first)
6339 .
# du -sm galleries/
4308 galleries/
# du -sm _data/
1976 _data/
On the graphics: (I can share a screenshot if you want)
Storage used: 5.99 Go
Photos: 3.97 Go
Cache: 2.02 Go
6339/1024 = 6.19Go
4308/1024 = 4.20Go
1976/1024 = 1.92Go
4.20 + 1.92 = 6.12Go
For that you have to know what du actually measures and reports, the disk usage, not individual file sizes' sum, i.e. it includes the blocks used by directory entries and slack. (and does not count hard linked files twice nor sparse, but that's both probably not the case for you).
While the cache size internally is determined using du -sk (*1024 for bytes) over the _data/ (or $conf['data_location']) directory, the photo image size is a sum over the file sizes stored in the database, because otherwise using du for that as well would take too much time on large sites (and need PHP exec permissions that are not given to everyone), which also is the reason the cache size is refreshed only on demand.
To determine the apparent file size for photo images instead use the du --apparent-size option.
Also note that there may be a slight difference between -sm and -sk:
printf '%s\n' $(($(du -sm _data/ |sed 's/\s.*//')*1024)) printf '%s\n' $(du -sk _data/ |sed 's/\s.*//')
Though the -sm size that way should be a bit larger than -sk because du results are rounded up.
The chart template then at the end unfortunately does the "human" scaling by 1000 and 1000000 instead of 1024 and 1048576, hence some discrepancy in the expected numbers.
-What about the question on language selection and displayed?
I don't know, works for me. Be aware that if logged in as a user the language from the user preferences is taken.
Thank you so much @erAck, for your detailed and long answer, this is highly appreciated.
- "The chart template then at the end unfortunately does the "human" scaling by 1000 and 1000000 instead of 1024 and 1048576, hence some discrepancy in the expected numbers."
oups, is it difficult to enhance this calculation (1000 > 1024) ?
- You're right for the language, the choice / selection must be done for each user. I modified and then it is correct.
Nice photos in 2011 (X-Yachts Gold Cup)!
If you like, I share my public album done recently: https://surfsm2.ddns.net/photos/piwigo/
Phil35 wrote:
oups, is it difficult to enhance this calculation (1000 > 1024) ?
No, you'd have to change four lines of template code in admin/themes/default/template/intro.tpl lines 57,58 and 86,87; change the occurrences of 1000000 and 1000 to 1048576 and 1024.
https://github.com/Piwigo/Piwigo/blob/8 … ro.tpl#L57
https://github.com/Piwigo/Piwigo/blob/8 … ro.tpl#L86
Additionally you can change in line 237 from 1000 to 1024 but that "Storage ... MB used" chart title is actually overwritten by the dynamic JavaScript part (you could see it flicker when reloading the page with it visible), though it's present in the generated page's source code.
https://github.com/Piwigo/Piwigo/blob/8 … o.tpl#L237
Nice photos in 2011 (X-Yachts Gold Cup)!
Thanks, were fun regatta days :-)
If you like, I share my public album done recently: https://surfsm2.ddns.net/photos/piwigo/
Oh, high-tech trimaran Route du Rhum..
Thank you @erAck
The modifications/changes should be done by the team @plg for all.